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Orgasm Girl Meets Climax Boy?!

 By Mark Rodriguez

The second O-Girl book back by Indiegogo created by DannPhan and SpunkyRamaz is here! Amari is a fighter with a unique power, as long as she can lay a finger on someone, she can snap her fingers and take her victim to their happy place. This can be used to her advantage, like cheating during her fights so she can take the prize money. Last time we had O-Girl decide to use her powers for good and sets out to rescue a kidnapped girl. As she does so she was confronted by the female boss of the organization, and O-Girls powers don't work on woman. This is where a guy shows up with a similar power to her and takes her down. Let's see what happens now.

The story opens with Jack Hoffman explaining how he's a famous model that has no problem with the ladies. He was born with a similar power like Amari and he feeling insecure about himself so he would use it with his lovers. Unfortunately after a while he was starting to doubt if he was good in the sack naturally or was it all thanks to his power. It went so far that he couldn't reach his own climax. He then thought that maybe someone else out there was born with the same power, so he started looking for Amari.

Jack witnessed the fight Amari had with the kidnappers and confirmed she did indeed have the same powers he did, but she was captured. He found out where she was taken and helped her take down Mistress. 

Amari asks what he wants, now that he found her. Jack says since he in unable to satisfy himself, she could help him with her powers. Amari is offended and walks out of the restaurant they're in. Jack desperately says he could pay her and that only makes her angrier. 

Jack says it's not fair because he tried to attack her, she would use her powers on him while asking nicely gets him nowhere. Jack decides he was pushed to do this so he tries to strike her. Amari is surprised he's using an open-handed strike and she blocked it with her tape-wrapped arms and shoves his hand away. As she does this Amari has flashbacks to losing actual fights against female fighters and being told she'll never be a rise in the ranks.

Jack tells her he doesn't hit girls and was trying to scare her into attacking him. He figured he'd be no match for a pro like her. Amari laments all of that is just promotional posters. The fights are staged and when people caught on she eventually asked to fight with men to prove she really could, but she always cheated to win. She says it seems they both relied too much on their powers. However she does admit it feels good to have someone to talk to about this. Jack apologizes for how he acted and asks if they could start over. They shake hands and go for a drink.

Meanwhile, Mistress, the villain from the last issue is sitting in a cell when she's visited by a villain named Dr. Tentacle and his henchwomen. She asks if he caught Amari yet but he's not too concerned about her and asks about her new friend. Mistress says he can take care of Amari while he can leave the guy to him. Dr. Tentacle tells the girls to do their thing.

At the bar, Jack is already pretty wasted and Amari notices a blonde woman has been starting at them all night. This woman is one of Tentacle's henchwomen from earlier. Amari gets in her face and asks her why she keeps staring at them and she says she's a big fan of 'Amari The Rose' and wants some pictures with her at their gym. She says she's with someone now and the woman points out that Jack is flirting with another woman, who happens to be the other henchwoman from earlier. Amari decides to leave and go with this blonde woman.

 After walking for a bit, Amari asks the girl where her gym is. She says she's surprised she has any fans since she was terrible at her fights. She asks what she liked so much about them. The girl suddenly punches Amari and tells her she liked watching her lose. Before Amari can get up, she's knocked out by chloroform and loaded up in a van. Likewise, the other woman also knocked out Jack by slipping a drug in his drink. Both woman argue over who their boss will like more and he tells them they'll both be equally rewarded.

Amari wakes up wrapped in tentacles attached to the mad doctor. He tells her Mistress wasn't the only one pulling the strings on the operation. He knows all about her powers, which is why her hands are bound so she can't snap her fingers, and also she knows her powers won't work on his henchwomen. Just then Jack walks into the room commenting he was so wasted he woke up in a van. 

The girls are confused because he should be knocked out for 5 more hours. Amari figures that Jack never took the drug and just passed out because he was already wasted. Tentacle sends his women after Jack and they kick him around. Amari tells him to fight back but he says he can't fight girls. Amari tells him to use his powers on them. The women tell him they have just started and they can knock him out before he can even touch them. Jack takes a familiar Kenshiro pose and tells them it's already too late and the girls succumb to his powers. Now he just has to beat up the bad guy.

Had to change the dialogue there to be safe, but you catch the reference. Kinda wish the girls actually said 'NANI?' to go all the way, but 'nani' means 'what' anyway so it still works. Still love this reference so much. 

Dr. Tentacle tells him his girls can't be defeated so easily and tells them to get back up and fight. The girls however, now start fawning over Jack. Jack asks them what their names are since it seems their boss only calls them 'girls'. The blonde is named Jenna and the redhead is named Marie. The girls have now broken out of Tentacle's hypnotism and are now siding with Jack. 

As they run towards the villain, Jenna and Marie are tangled, but Jack manages to run past his vines and kick him across the face. He tries to set Amari free but now Jack is tied up as well. Amari notes that the doctor's grip is loosening and it might be because he's currently holding everyone at once. Amari tells everyone to run around him, trying him up with his own tentacles. With the villain defeated, Amari uses her power on him to further humiliate him. 

As the cops take the villain away they comment on how happy he looked to be arrested.

Later on Jack is glad that they saved the day but Amari feels uneasy. The fact that there are other people behind this evil operation bothers her, and there might be more of them out there besides Mistress and Dr. Tentacle. Jack decides they should work together and find them all and stop them. 

My thoughts-

Pretty cool story and we find out a little more about Amari's backstory. It seems she actually tried to make it in the women's battle circuit but couldn't cut it, so she offered to fight men where she could use her powers to cheat. 

The art is bright and colorful and even though there wasn't that much of actual action, I did like Amari's block pose when she defended herself. She got herself in a hell of jam though, as predicted newer enemies will discover her weaknesses and use them against her. Now she has a new weakness. Not only does her power not work on women or if she can't lay her hands on you, now we find out that while she's a decent fighter, she's not exactly the top of her class. This means she will run into trouble when facing more skilled fighters and risks being taken down. She's not this unstoppable super ninja or whatever, so it makes thins more interesting.

This book was tougher for me to describe (or even show pics) due to all the innuendo and implications, but I guess I asked for it when I decided to review a book called Orgasm Girl meets Climax Boy. The title itself sounds like a whole other kind of story, and it almost kinda is. Not just the very nature of their powers, but also the implication of what Dr. Tentacle does with his henchwoman and what he intended to do to Amari. The comic of course takes this to be more of a parody of anime tropes rather than do into darker themes and I love the Fist of the North Star reference. It's not that I'm a prude or anything, I just don't want Blogger and Google to come after me. And yes, I don't think I have to even say it, but Mr. Tentacle is an obvious parody of Dr. Octopus.

If you can handle the title of the book, this is a fun filled romp and worth checking out. It has adult humor and such as you would expect but it never takes it all the way if you know what I mean. Now that the heroes have a goal set in front of them, let's see who else is running this organization, and of course, who is the person or persons that is running the whole show. 

I am wondering though, why Tentacle didn't break Mistress out? Or maybe he did, just off panel?

You'll be able to find Orgasm Girl 1 and 2 as well as other comics over at Burning Star Comics

Check out DannPhan's channel over at-


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