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Marvel's Civil War II # 6

 By Mark Rodriguez

A new Inhuman named Ulysses can see visions of the future and Carol Danvers thinks they should be used to prevent trouble before it starts. Tony Stark has doubts of just how reliable these visions were. One vision predicted the arrival of Thanos and the battle to stop him ended with the death of War Machine and landing She Hulk in a coma. Another prediction has the Hulk flip out and kill everyone, and Hawkeye killed Bruce Banner before it could happen with a special Gamma treated arrow Banner himself made. After Carol had a random woman arrested thinking she worked for HYDRA, a fight broke out between her team and Tony's team, when suddenly everyone sees Ulysses' vision of Miles Morales killing Steve Rogers. Carol places Miles under arrest.

Carol tells everyone to cease fire, including Rocket who was talking back. Tony and Carol argue about what Miles should do. Tony says that this isn't like the Hulk who was basically a ticking time bomb, Miles is a good kid that would never try to kill Captain America. Carol says she's not turning on Miles, but he should be kept in custody until they figure things out. The others ask Tony if they really want to risk that vision coming true. Tony says they should leave it up to Miles.

Steve Rogers walks over to calm Miles down and asks him what he wants to do. He just wants to go home. Steve says he's free to do that. Carol says he needs to be kept safe in their custody and Steve says the kid has done nothing wrong, just like Bruce and Rhodey haven't done anything wrong. Tony tells female Thor to take Miles home. Carol tries to stop them but Miss Marvel wraps her stretchy arms around her to hold her back.

Maria Hill arrives and tells everyone that came to attack their base is under arrest. Black Panther stops her, saying that if they shoot at them, they would have to shoot at him too. He chooses to side with the original Captain America. While Carol is distracted, Dr. Strange warps Tony and his group away as Rocket tries to get in one last shot. Carol asks Medusa if the Inhumans can use their teleporting dog to help catch them, but they say no and vanish. Captain Marvel has lost the support of many of her friends.

Female Thor carries Miles off when he asks to be left alone rather than taken all the way home. Thor agrees and she flies off, leaving him on the roof of a building. He looks down and imagines seeing his bloody hands as he had just killed the original Captain America in the vision. He cries and screams out in anguish wondering if he would really be capable of such a thing.

Back at New Attilan, Karnak asks Ulysses what has happened to him. He looks back with a mysterious glow in his eyes.

Maria Hill tells Carol and the rest that the Triskelion has been evacuated and they need to put out the fire on the Guardians' ship. Rocket says they owe them a new ship. Before Blue Marvel can take it away, the ship explodes completely. Rocket says they'll be crashing with them until they get a new ship.

Star Lord tells Carol that he agrees with her, and they if there's a chance to stop disasters before they start, they should do it, regardless whose feelings get hurt. Peter and Groot hug Carol while Kitty Pryde looks a bit jealous.

Tony takes the gang to one of SHIELD's old bunkers. He wants Miss Marvel to go find Miles since they're friends, and she says she just wants to leave. An Iron-themed hero takes off her helmet revealing herself to be a girl named Riri Williams. She wants to help the younger heroes help Spider-Man, and says she has the bunker mapped out. Miss Marvel excuses herself from the gang and the younger heroes leave.

Steve senses that they went to find Spider-Man themselves and hide them from both sides. Tony asks Steve if he has any baggage with Miles, and Cap says he barely knows him. Tony and Black Panther discuss how some of Ulysses' visions have been wrong and wonder if they become less accurate the stronger he becomes. Vision says there is only one way to know if the vision will come to pass. Tony says it's all up to Cap, and Spider-Man.

Captain Marvel sits alone, crying as she remembers Rhodey and Bruce Banner dying. Storm, Jean, Star Lord and Maria Hill come to console her. Jean says there is no way for this vision to come to pass. Storm apologizes for T-Challa betraying Carol, and she says she can't believed Storm was ever married to him. Carol says if they do nothing, it would be as if they killed Captain America themselves and they can't allow that. Maria says they should re-test the Inhuman, but suddenly her sources tell her that they have located Spider-Man.

Mile Morales stands all in front of the Capitol Building in DC, poised and ready to fight. But against who???

My opinions-

This was a bit of a cool down issue after all the fighting last time. I haven't been saying this in the previous reviews but the art is amazing and stayed consistently good throughout. Most of the first half of the book is everyone abandoning Captain Marvel and her point of view.

The big thing was the introduction of Riri Williams. As we know by now, she would eventually go by the name Iron Heart. The thing that surprised me was to see her here since I was under the impression that she would appear after this story was done, but I guess it's better to build her up. The other youngsters comment on how amazing she was in the past battle, but honestly there were so many heroes flying around blasting each other last issue that I don't really remember her doing anything of note. We had things like Agent Venom attacking Miles Morales and Luke Cage facing Blue Marvel.... but Riri really needed some sort of scene to make her stand out. 

It's hard to take a side, though now things seems to be favoring Iron Man, though it's nice to see Star Lord take Carol's side. I don't know why the visions have started turning on the heroes. Yes, the first one didn't purposely lead to Rhodey's death. It was predicting Thanos and the battle just happened to end with a casualty. But the visions now started targeting Hulk and Spider-Man, I mean what would Carol do if the next vision was about her? Lock herself up? Kill herself to prevent potential harm to others?

We'll see what happens next issue. I wonder if that innocent lady that was arrested last issue was really innocent and if we'll see her again. That empty briefcase was still suspicious. 

Random fact, for whatever reason this issue in particular was 20% off at Booka-A-Million. Might as well go for it, right?


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