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X-Men Battle of the Atom Part 7 (X-Men # 6)

By Mark Rodriguez

Beast brought back the original 5 X-Men from the past to show modern day Cyclops the error of his ways. However they decided to stick around, and that is messing with history. X-Men from the Future arrive to tell the others they need to send the classics back home before something terrible happens. After a lot of fighting and arguing, Classic Jean reads the mind of Future Jean and is horrified by what she sees, so the Classics finally agree to go home. However, Magik sent Classic Beast and Iceman to the future and found another bunch of Future X-Men who prove the ones they know are not who they say they are. What happens now? Let's find out.

This issue begins with Jubilee waking up and finding out that Broo was left in charge of watching over Shogo instead of Classic Beast and Iceman. She later hangs with Roxy and Hisako, and they both have built and designed a little device for Shogo to wear around his neck in case he's ever in a dangerous situation. Just then Hisako gets a mental message from Rachel that they're soon arriving and to get Classic Iceman and Beast ready... but they just left with Magik.

As the Blackbird and Dove fly back towards the Jean Grey School and Wolverine wants a mental conversation with Rachel. He tells her to spy on the Future X-Men since something doesn't add up. The mutants all arrive at the Jean Grey School as Jubilee welcomes them. XornJean will take Classic Jean, Cyclops and Angel to the Time Cube. Just then Roxy comes in and tells them that Classic Beast and Iceman are gone. Future Xavier freaks out and attacks her mentally, demanding to know where they are. He finds out that they went into the future, and Wolverine tries to calm him down.

Future Xavier tells Future Kitty that the other X-Men are coming and they don't have time to 'keep up the charade'. Jubilee demands to know what's going on. Rachel freaks out by what she saw in their minds and tells Wolverine that he was right about them. Just then Future Kitty transforms into a blue-skinned redhead Wolverine, complete with claws, and stabs Wolverine in the gut.

In Beast's Lab, Xavier alerts XornJean mentally that their cover has been blown and to put the lab under lockdown. XornJean knocks everybody in the lab out with some kind of psychic shockwave. She apologizes to Future Beast but she didn't want to give Classic Jean time to react. Future Beast understands and will get power dampeners ready for when everyone wakes up.

Rachel tends to Wolverine, seeing that he's still alive. His Future Son confirms it since he hasn't vanished from existence. Rachel tries to alert Storm, but Future Xavier knocks her out. Jubilee hands her baby over to Psylocke and Rogue as she attacks Xavier in full-on vampire mode. Ice Hulk bitchslaps her away. Rogue takes off her glove and tries to steal some of his power... but she notices 'there's nobody home' and the creature really is made of solid ice. She soon gets smacked away as well. Just then Psylocke smashes a 90-pound mace made of solid Psi-Energy, knocking it down.

Future Xavier and Rachel have a mental showdown. Xavier says he only wants the original 5 X-Men and everyone else will be spared if she just hands them over. She says they'll have to take them from her and defeats him with a psychic attack. Just then Molly shows up from behind and punches Rachel out. Wolverine is on the ground still, and his 'son' taunts him since at this time, he's missing his healing factor and is unable to help his friends.

Future Deadpool gets ready to fight Psylocke, while she's still holding onto the baby. Jubilee tells her baby to push the button on the little device that Roxy and Hisako made for him earlier and it forms a protective bubble around him. Shogo floats off safely as Psylocke starts to fight against both Future Deadpool and Wolverine's son. Jubilee and Roxy run off with Shogo as Psylocke continues the fight.

In the lab, Future Beast has Classic Cyclops, Jean and Angel chained up and on the time cube, while the other Modern Day Beast, Iceman, Storm and Kitty have power dampeners. Future Beast apologizes it had to go this far. Storm warns there are many other mutant teachers and students that can stop them, but XornJean tells her they've been outplayed. Future Beast has hacked into their systems and put the classrooms into lockdown and Xavier has taken control of a monster called Krokoa, as well as getting all their security and defensive measure primed and ready. They are fully prepared for the other Future X-Men to arrive.

Outside the school, Cyclops and his X-Men, as well as the real Future X-Men are a few miles away. Future Jubilee asks if that's as close as Magik could bring them, and Cyclops tells her it is considering all the security sensors the school will have. The Iron Man knockoff, called Sentinel-X flies off to check on the area. He then sees Jubilee and Roxy step out of the rubble. Sentinel-X is happy to see her again and reveals himself to be a future Shogo, all grown up. Jubilee hugs him happily, being glad to know they never take the baby away from her. Future Shogo tells her everything will be OK. However, a bloody and injured Psylocke shows up, telling them that OK is the last word she's use to describe things right now.

My Opinions-

It seems things are winding down for the final showdown and wow... not a whole lot has happened considering this is part 7. It's basically... Modern X-Men want to send Classic X-Men home. Future X-Men show up to make sure they do so (...why???). Jean and Scott escape. Jean and Scott are convinced to come back and return to their present time. Magik finds the REAL Future X-Men and brings them to the present. Now the final showdown will explode as X-Men of all eras will fight it out for the sake of the future.

I learned a few things here and there that I didn't know before. Psylocke can now form weapons from her Psi-Energy instead of just using her Psi-Blade that used to come from her wrist. I'm so used to seeing her with swords, it was cool seeing her with a mace. Wolverine lost his healing factor, though I don't know how or when. I know he still had it during Avengers VS X-Men since he survived being roasted alive at one point, so I wonder what happened between now and then. It did remind me of the latest Wolverine movie. And of course, Jubilee lost her mutant powers for a while... and now is a vampire.

I was completely caught off guard by the Future Kitty actually being the kid of Wolverine and Mystique. That one came out of nowhere. I'm also confused why he tried to kill Wolverine, won't that also make him fade from existence?

Overall a good issue, and things are starting to heat up as we prepare ourselves for the final battle. It was cool seeing Psylocke, Rogue (although very brief) and Deadpool see some action. It will be funny whenever the other Icemen show up, cause then we're gonna have four Icemen all in the same room. That should be cool.


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