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Deadpool VS Carnage # 1

By Mark Rodriguez

Deadpool VS Carnage. Just look at that. Deadpool..... VS..... Carnage. If that doesn't say 'shut up and take my money' I don't know what will. Let's check it out.

The story starts at a local coffee shop on the Kansas state line. One of the state troopers reads the papers about how Carnage escaped and is starting another murder spree. He complains about how they should just shoot him down instead of always trying to rehabilitate him, just so he could escape again. He mentions if he ever ran into him, he'd shoot first and try to reform him later. The guy sitting next to him get offended.. and suddenly kills him, revealing himself to be Carnage. Three tough guys say they're not gonna put up with his crap, but Carnage slices and dices them to pieces. Everyone else tries to get away, but Carnage seals the exits saying that 'there's plenty of love to go around'.

Meanwhile in New York, Deadpool is chilling in his crapola apartment when he watches the news on Carnage's latest rampage. The authorities are having problems finding him since he just too crazy and random. Deadpool gets inspired by the people on the TV that is insane enough to find Carnage himself.

Deadpool walks out in the busy city waiting for the world to 'give him a sign' and point him in the right direction... while bothering everyone around him and making a fool of himself. He follows a butcher that got fired for not cutting the meat right. He watches a kid play 'Fatality Fighters' in an arcade, while the game screams out 'MAXIMUM CARNAGE!' (har har). Deadpool gets inspired by a nearby news stand that Carnage could be hiding in a modern day ghost town.

Sure enough, outside Tulsa Ohio, Cletus is contemplating all the lives he's about to ruin with his next rampage. He monologues that for a while he wanted to take over the city and such, but he feels better just doing his random carnage. Just then a missile is headed his way with a Deadpool drawing on it.

As it explodes, Deadpool is happy that he got a direct hit and head off to finish the job. Cletus turns into Carnage and wonders how anyone was able to find him. Deadpool shows up and starts shooting at him. Of course, the bullets don't hurt Carnage and he strikes back as Deadpool dodges his strikes.

Deadpool uses his sword on him, but Carnage blocks it. He then fires off small blades that knock Deadpool back. Carnage pins him down, and Deadpool sticks a grenade in his mouth that blows his head off.

Deadpool loses hand in the explosion, but quickly grows it back and starts bragging about his victory. Suddenly something blasts Deadpool in the face. Shriek shows up, saying that noone should mess with 'her man', while Carnage recovers. Deadpool, with his face burnt off, says 'not in the face?'

Just noticed all three have different colored speech bubbles
 My Opinions-

Great way to start the issue, straight and to the point. Carnage escapes and does his thing. Deadpool decides to go after him. They face off. All in the same issue. Unlike other crossovers where issue 1 is more about the reason or the journey and ends with the characters finally meeting up as the cliffhanger, these two actually fought it out a little.

Not much to say about the issue in itself except what you'd expect from the characters. Cletus being a sick sunova bitch and Deadpool being silly. I still consider the poor kids trapped in that coffee shop with Carnage as nightmare fuel if you think about it too much. You know they didn't make it. I did like all the random references in the background (especially the comics authority code that isn't used anymore), and it was bizzare how that random tv show and some of the magazines in the shop were real people edited in there instead of drawings.

Also found it funny how Deadpool references not only Baggage and the Jerry Springer show, but is also lusting after Kat Dennings,who happens to play Darcy in Thor and Thor The Dark World. One surprise was that I didn't expect Carnage to bring Shriek along for the ride. I know she was there during the Maximum Carnage series, but I'm curious how often these two have kept in touch throughout the years.


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