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X-Men Battle of the Atom part 3 (X-Men # 5)

By Mark Rodriguez

The X-Men of the past, present and future collide in this epic new storyline that threatens to wipe out of all of mutantkind. A fight with the Sentinels has Classic Cyclops almost die, which almost wiped modern Cyclops from existence and rewrote history. Just as the X-Men decide to send them home... the Future X-Men arrive to stop them and tell to .... send them home. During the confusion and shocking revelations of who these Future X-Men are, Classic Jean made Wolverine unleash his claws, making everyone think he was going to start a fight. Classic Jean and Classic Cyclops escape, not wanting to face their fates (especially since Jean is supposed to die), and now the X-Men are after them.

Part 3 starts in Jean's school as Future Jean puts her skull mask on since it seems she can only keep it off for a few moments. Jubilee (I like how both she and Rogue just suddenly appeared out of nowhere) asks Future Xavier how they're going to find Classic Scott and Jean since they took the Blackbird. Xavier remembers that at this time, Modern and Classic Beast were working on a new jet called the Dove. Xavier takes a pill called the Cerebro Spike to amplify his powers to find Jean since she is trying to hide her hide herself from any telepaths. Everyone hops aboard, though Storm tells Kitty, Rachel, Jubilee, Classic Beast and Classic Iceman to stay behind in case Scott and Jean come back.

and Jubilee was there too!
Meanwhile in California, Classic Scott and Jean are taking random people's clothes and ditching their X-Men uniforms in case they're bugged. As they change, Scott asks Jean where they're going, and the redhead seems spaced out. She then snaps out of it and says she is using all of her concentration to keep them hidden from any psychic attacks. Cyclops finds a motorcycle they can use.

The X-Men find the abandoned Blackbird and Wolverine sniffs out that they ran to a nearby rundown neighborhood. Future Xavier and Future Jean work together to lock onto Classic Jean's mental signal.

At the Jean School, Classic Hank and Bobby watch tv (we finally see Classic Iceman out of his ice form) while Rachel and Kitty talk in the kitchen. Kitty knows the Classic X-Men have to go since it is too dangerous to have something happen to them in the future, but she still doesn't want them to leave since she feels things have gotten better with them here. Rachel says its hard for her to talk, since she also comes from an alternate future (what is it with X-Men with alternate future characters showing up and sticking around), but she feels it should be their choice to go and they shouldn't be shoved back to their timeline by force. Plus, she doesn't quite trust the future Xavier. Rachel decides they should go join the others anyway.

with people like Hope, Rachel, Cable and Bishop running around, how is the timeline not already a huge mess?
Scott and Jean drive down the Pacific Highway. Jean is worried feeling how the telepaths continue to try to lock in on them, just waiting for her to drop her guard. Scott asks if they're doing the right thing since they will endanger all of reality by staying there. Jean says life is dangerous and asks if the Avengers can help. Scott says they probably won't. Jean can think of someone that might be able to help them, but says Scott won't like it. Future Xavier and Future Jean finally found them.

Back at the Jean School, Classic Hank and Bobby wonder where Rachael and Kitty went. Jubilee shows up and leaves her adopted baby with them since she's going to take a nap.

Scott and Jean continue their ride. Jean apologizes for not treating him right lately, appreciates him standing by her. Scott says he understands, especially since she found out the guy she married went crazy and she is destined to die twice. Scott is about to declare his love for her, when they both suddenly notice there isn't any traffic anymore.

The X-Men have arrived in the Blackbird. As Scott turns the bike around, they see more X-Men arriving in the Dove. Classic Cyclops isn't having it and Jean tells him not to start a fight. Cyclops reminds her she's the one that threw Wolverine at them and open fires on the Dove. Future Kitty tells Future Deadpool to stop the motorcycle. As the Merc with the Mouth shoots out the tires, Modern Beast catches Scott and Jean before they're sent flying off of it.

Scott blasts Beast with his Optic Blasts and tries to run away with Jean, but is stopped by Storm. The present and future X-Men surround them and Storm says this is what's best for them. An aircraft flies by and smacks Future Iceman down. Rachel and Kitty arrive saying this looks like what's worst for them.

Kitty scolds Storm for sending ten X-Men after two kid and Storm tries to explain. Classic Jean is freaking out and Rachael comes in to try to calm her down. Rogue explains that Cyclops fired first. Rachael yells at Future Xavier and Future Jean using a two-pronged telepathic attack on the kids. Psylocke (where the hell did she come from???) argues that Rachael ran the Hummingbird into Future Iceman. Rachael says he can take it, and then starts to scold Wolverine even though he didn't do anything. Future Xavier tries to lock onto Jean and Scott, but they are gone once again.

Jean and Scott are driving off in the Hummingbird and Cyclops wonders where they're going. They arrive at Utopia, which Jean says used to Asteroid M, where they fought against Magneto back in the timeline, and some of the X-Men used to live there for a while (as seen in the Avengers VS X-Men storyline). Classic Cyclops is surprised to see Modern Cyclops and his branch of  X-Men and Emma says they shouldn't be so surprised, since they were the ones that called them.

My Opinions- 

The story is keeping my interest as we see all these different variations of X-Men talking to each other. I am confused by reference of Jean causing the distraction with Wolverine 'yesterday' as I didn't really get the feeling a whole day has passed since Classic Cyclops and Jean made a break for it. So far the story is those two trying to run from their fate and everyone is after them, and it's about to get more complicated with Modern Day Cyclops' squad.

I'm also intrigued by the concept of the 'Cerebro Spike'. Now in pill form, taking it amplifies your telepathic powers as if you were hooked up to the device itself. I wonder who made it, if it's addicting, and what happens when a non-telepath mutant takes one? Hell, what happens when a normal human takes it? Does he or she get limited telepathic powers... or do their heads explode?

Looking back at it now, it's kinda like the reverse of the movie Days of Future Past where Xavier was taking drugs to drown out his mutant powers.

It'll be fun to read the following issue as this story continues. I think this issue's funniest part is Wolverine getting scolded and the face he makes.


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