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X-Men Battle of the Atom part 4 (Uncanny X-Men #12)

By Mark Rodriguez

Beast brought the original 5 X-Men from the past to remind Psycho-Clops of how he used to be, but the Classic X-Men chose to stay. Now X-Men from the future have arrived to make sure the present day X-Men send the Classics home. During the confusion, Classic Jean and Cyclops make a break for it. Escaping Storm's faction of the X-Men and the Future X-Men, thanks mostly to Kitty Pryde and Rachel Summers, Jean and Scott turn to modern-day Cyclops' faction of the X-Men....

Uncanny X-Men # 12 opens atop the SHIELD Helicarrier as Maria Hill is upset to find out they have another situation related to the X-Men. Their Temporal Displacement Department found high reading from their base and she already knows Hank McCoy is behind it. She tells Phil Coulson and Allison Blaire that she wants Blaire to handle the situation and everyone sent back to wherever time period before they came from before the Avengers find out.

At what's left of Utopia, Modern Cyclops introduces the team to the original Jean Grey and the 16-year old version of himself. The younger mutants are confused but Magneto assures them they really are the original X-Men displaced in time. One of them, named Eva Bell asks Jean if any of the Future X-Men are any of them, but Jean doesn't recognize any of them. Emma tells the Stepford sisters to extend their hive mind so everyone can be on the same page.

Thanks to the hive mind, everybody can see the images of the Future X-Men. Modern Cyclops asks about the guy that looks like Xavier, and Classic Scott tells him he's his grandson. Iilyana confirms that he is, and says he has met them before. She then suddenly disappears. Cyclops asks the sisters if they know where she went, and they answer they never dare to enter Iilyana's mind. Magneto determines the Future X-Men came to send the Classics back home, and asks if they explained what would happen if they didn't. Jean says they psychically blocked them so she grew suspicious. Classic Jean wants to stay and help build a future, and Classic Scott asks if they will help. Cyclops, Emma and Magneto are deep in thought.

Back to the Pacific Coast Highway, Future Xavier can't find a trace on Jean or Scott anymore. Kitty thinks they should be left alone and allowed to live their lives as they see fit. Storm says they all miss Xavier and allowed the Classic X-Men to visit, but they knew it was dangerous to have them here, and it's time to send them back. Future Kitty reminds Rachel of the consequences with them staying. Modern Kitty tells Future Kitty they they better explain what exactly happens as a result of the Classics not leaving or she should shut up. Future Kitty says its not in their best interest to know. Modern Kitty can't believe she turned out like that. Future Deadpool says he used to think he was in a comic book.

Kitty asks Wolverine for his opinion, but he also agrees that the originals need to go back home. Kitty reminds him of when they all thought he was just an animal and he also ignored them and ran away. Wolverine says she's not mad at him, she's mad at Hank for bringing them here to begin with. Kitty says this is the X-Men at their worst, and either they leave her students to live their own lives, or their lives as teachers and mutants were all a lie. As Storm tries to calm her down, Future Xavier hears something and asks Xorn if she hears it too...

Back at Utopia's remains, everyone waits and watches for Modern Cyclops to make up his mind on whether or not to help the Classic X-Men. Cyclops finally tells everyone that they're going to help them. Emma is quick to disagree. She feels the only thing he loved more than Jean is himself, and now he can have both. Magneto also agrees that this is a bad decision.

Classic Angel then jumps into the conversation and says it's time to go back home. He can't believe they want to stay despite hearing about how things will get messed up if they don't go back. One of the students says Angel can just go home by himself if he wants to. Christopher says the problem is that they arrived as a group and have to leave as a group. Angel agrees and says returning alone would screw things up even worse than they already are. He's suddenly frozen in place, and Classic Cyclops asks what Jean did. She says it wasn't her.

Xorn arrived with the rest of the Modern and Future X-Men telling them they have to go home. Classic Scott also can't move now. Jean asks what she's doing to them and Xorn tells her it's something she will learn when she's older. Xorn says she understands why she's doing this since she would have done the same thing if the roles were reversed. Jean tells her to get out of her head and tries to attack her. Xorn then smacks Jean down with a psychic shove (what else would you call it?).

Emma steps in and admits that she called the Future X-Men over since she feels Modern Cyclops is wrong. She wasn't expecting Xorn to be Jean from the Future and for her to start attacking her younger self. She then says if she wants to fight with someone, she should try with someone that absolutely despises her. Emma end this issue by saying it's too bad that nobody's watching because the message boards would love to see the Black Queen fight against the White Queen.

My Opinions- 

Well this issue was interesting. It did little to move the actual story forward but we get to see more and more characters get updated on the current situation. I'm confused by the new students not knowing about Jean and Scott, and Modern Cyclops and Magneto introducing them as a new and rare event.... considering they already have Classic Angel with them. They should already know he's also been displaced in time....

I am amused by the internet and other geek references here and there, Maria mentions blogging and Emma shout outs message boards. One of the new mutants also thought Classic Cyclops was some random teen in Cosplay. Interestingly enough, this same week Superior Spider-Man faced Spider-Man 2009 and also thought that Miguel was some kid in Cosplay. It is entertaining getting some of these terms in comics nowadays. Keeps reminding me how much the world has changed since I first started reading comics in the 90's.

This issue was still kinda cool, but I hope the story starts to go forward. At least tell us what exactly does happen if the Classics don't return. I'm glad it was asked twice in this issue, but it's about time we get some kind of answer or hint to move it along. I'm anxious to see Emma and Jean fight it out, but I hope it's not something that is resolved in a page. Make it worth the wait.


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