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NickToons TMNT Episodes 25 and 26- Showdown (season 1 finale)

By Mark Rodriguez

So the first season has the Turtles meet April and have their first encounters with The Kraang and the Foot. We've seen Karai make her appearance, and Shredder's men Chris Bradford and Xever turn into the mutants Dogpound and Fishface, and April starting martial arts lessons. The Turtles have already had their first fight with the Shredder and barely survived, but possibly something that could top that would be the eventual battle between Splinter and Shredder. This one hour special not only makes that happens but also brings out Kraang Prime and the Technodrome. Let's relive those memories.

Glad the episode really wasn't called Booyaka-Showdown.  Nick tries so hard to even make the serious episodes seem childish and silly.

'Showdown' doesn't waste any time. At the beginning, the Kraang get a message from their leader Kraang (I don't think they used the term Kraang Prime not even once) who tell them they will prepare the Technodrome for the invasion of Earth. In the sewers, the orb that April found previously starts glowing with alien language all over it.

Leo is watching the last episode of Space Heroes, and Don comes to turn it off and tell everybody the news. The Kraang are planning to bring the Technodrome in six hours through the portal, and he's convinced that it will bring the end of the world. The Turtles prepare to take it down and Splinter says it is their destiny to save the world. He also tells Leo that today they have to complete their mission... no matter what... or who they sacrifice. The Turtles prepare (and Raph arms himself with all sorts of ninja blades and throwing stars) and they head out in the Shell Raiser.

After they head out, April asks Splinter why he's not going with them. Splinter tells her his role is to be the master and advisor. April says the fate of the world is at stake and they could use his help. Splinter snaps at her and tells her she shouldn't question him.

As the Turtles head for TCRI, Don has a super powered weapon that should be able to destroy the portal in one blast.

April feels upset that she's unable to help and with how Splinter snapped at her. Her father comes along to comfort and asks where the Turtles went. April says they went to TCRI to stop the Kraang. Kirby says the Kraang knows they're on their way and they must warn them. April tries to use the tPod, but Kirby tells her the Kraang can tap into their calls.

April and Kirby head out to warn the Turtles, and Splinter tells her it's dangerous to her to be on the surface. April snaps at him saying not everyone can just sit around and do nothing.

As April and her father go outside, she suddenly captured by Foot Ninjas. Karai appears and sends Kirby back to the lair with some Mousers to find Splinter. April is confused as to why her father is helping the Foot.

The Shell Raiser smashes into TCRI, and it is soon blasted by Miss Campbell and all the Kraangdroids. However, instead of the Turtles, Metalhead leaps out and starts shooting at all the Kraang. The Turtles are flying overhead on hand gliders, using the distraction caused by Metalhead to sneak into TCRI from the roof. As they sneak around, Raph grabs a pigeon and puts it up to the security cameras so that the Kraang won't see them sneak past the surveillance.

Splinter lies in meditation, being affected by April's words. Suddenly Kirby comes in with the two Mousers. The Mousers project a holographic image of the Shredder challenging Splinter to finish their feud, since he has now captured April.

As the Turtles make their way into the portal room, they didn't expect to see Traag with the Kraang. Leo fires off a shot at the portal device.. but it is protected by a forcefield and now Traag is after them.

April is chained up inside the Foot stronghold, as Dogpound and Fishface wait for Splinter to rescue her. Fishface asks Dogpound how good a fighter this Hamato Yoshi is, and he says they trained together and he is as skilled as the Shredder, but 'without the stomach to finish the job'. Outside, Splinter sneaks around covered in a robe and takes down several Foot Ninja.

Splinter finally makes his entrance and takes Dogpound and Fishface down. Splinter tries to rescue April but finds out it's another Mouser-induced hologram. Shredder finally arrives and is face to face with Splinter, who is surprised to see Hamato Yoshi has now become a mutant rat. Splinter asks about April. Shredder told him he doesn't need her anymore and only used her to lure him in... so now he turned her over to the Kraang.

As the Turtles fight the Kraang, and Leo tries to dodge Traag's attacks, Don tries to hack into the Kraang's systems to shut the forcefield down. Leo used the super gun to blow off Traag's leg, and then his arm, but the giant stone warrior continues to attack them. Leo manages to blow Traag into pieces. Don finally managed to shut down the forcefield, but now the gun has run out of energy to fire off another shot. As more Kraang arrive, the portal starts to open and Traag's body starts to put itself back together... Leo sees the Power Cell and asks Don what would happen if he destroys it. Don says it would take out the whole building including themselves. Leo jumps in and fight his way through several Kraang, and manages to destroy the Power Cell. As the building explodes, Leo falls off the roof, but he is rescued from Raph with his hand glider.

Shredder and Splinter fight it out, but the villain activates a trap door for Splinter to fall though. This sends him to another part of Shredder's hideout and the fight continues as he tries to avoid his rival's sneak attacks.

The Turtles fly off on their hand gliders, convinced they saved the day... when just then the Technodrome appears hovering above them. In this version, it's basically just a floating sphere covered in cannons, but without any of the more noticeable features from the original, like the big eye or the big black cannons.

Raph hopes the Technodrome doesn't have weapons, but it suddenly opens fire on all of them with a ka-zillion laser guns.The Turtles eventually get their gliders blasted and they crash onto the street. They decide they should consult Splinter. When they return to the lair, they're surprised that Splinter and April are gone.

Kirby suddenly starts to attack Mikey, but the others manage to pin him down. Don finds the mind control device on the back of his neck. With Kirby back to normal, he explains that Shredder handed April over to the Kraang in their Technodrome. Raph complains that they just got away from it, and now they have to somehow sneak inside it.

April finds herself strapped down in a metal chair and face to face with Kraang Prime. It tells her it will use her mental energy to help them conquer the world for the Kraang. It then sends tubes all over April.

Shredder and Splinter continue their fight, as Splinters asks why Shredder continues to hunt him down when he has already taken his family from him. Shredder says Splinter took Tang Shen from him. Splinter yells she was never his to begin with. Shredder says that since Splinter took Tang Shen from him, he took his daughter Miwa from him.

The Technodrome flies above the city and lots of pods fly everywhere, abducting humans everywhere. The Turtles discuss ways to sneak into one of those pods, while Raph flats out destroys the Kraangdroid inside and get in the pod. The Turtles use the pod to sneak into the Technodrome, but find that there's zero gravity inside. They now finds themselves trying to fight a lot of the Kraang while floating around in zero gravity.

Shredder smacks Splinter down and seems to have the upperhand. He says he will destroy Splinter and his daughter will always live despising him. This infuriates Splinter and he attacks his enemy viciously, now fighting with a mixture of martial arts and running around like a rat would.

Kraang Prime now has April attached to some sort of brain drain helmet, and starts activating it to power a beam the Technodrome fires to mutate the world. The Turtles arrive and Raph kicks the giant Kraang in the face. Don gets April out of her chair restraints and they make their escape. With April free, the Technodrome's beam powers down. However, Kraang Prime is still awake and reveals a giant robot body.

Splinter smacks the hell out of Shredder, going so far as to knock his helmet off and revealing his burnt face. As Splinter prepares to finish off the Shredder, Karai suddenly jumps in to protect her 'father'. Splinter is surprised to see Miwa, but Karai is angry since Shredder told her he killed her mother. Shredder laughs evilly as Karai wants to kill Splinter, but the rat sensei leaves without fighting her, saddened by how his daughter was corrupted.

As the Turtles escape with April, Mike points out that Kraang Prime is still following them, now in his robot body. A small homage to the 80's android body, the head of the robot has a similar tuning fork on its head that lets it fire off electric blasts. Mike falls in one of the many gaps in the Technodrome floot and Leo comes his rescue. Leo then remembers Splinter's words about sacrifice as long it meant completing the mission and uses chains to hold the giant Kraang back. He tells the others to escape in the pod while he holds them off.

The Turtles and April have no choice but to leave Leonardo behind. As they land in the ocean, the Technodrome also lands there and sinks to the bottom of the sea. The Turtles are sad that Leo is gone, and Raph says if he was around he'd treat him nicer. Leo arrived using one of the broken Kraang robot pieces to float and asks Raph if he meant it.

Back at the lair, everyone is happy that they saved the world. Splinter sadly looks at the family picture of his past human self with Tang Shen and Miwa, and April comes to apologize for how she snapped at him earlier. Splinter says it's alright, and only said what she felt in her heart. He says he learned some things from his fight with the Shredder. Leo asks what things, and Splinter says it can wait for another time since now is a time for celebration. The Turtles and April play some music and start to break it down (and hey, Metalhead even dances 'the robot' with Don and Mikey). Meanwhile, on the bottom of the ocean floor... the Technodrome lights up.

My opinions

I first saw this with Paige while eating pizza, and the things that got us the most were Shredder and the Technodrome. 

We both agree that in this version Shredder really shows how much of a douche he can be on a personal level. He is so insane with revenge and hatred, he wants to break Splinter down emotionally as well as physically. Raising his enemy's daughter, with twisted lies about how Yoshi was the one that killed her mother, that's hardcore douchebaggery. This is similar to the IDW comics where Shredder captured and brainwashed Leonardo against the others, and he was savouring every moment of Yoshi's sadness and despair. Unfortunately, for better of for worse, Karai does love and care for her 'father' so it's gonna take a lot of convincing to tell her that her life was a lie and that Shredder was the one that killed her mother. And that her father is now a mutant rat.

This kinda stuff is always the reason why I like it when Yoshi himself is Splinter. Instead of the Mirage comics where Yoshi's pet rat is avenging his master's death, here Yoshi himself is continuing his fight with Shredder. Making their origin so similar to the Mirage version, makes the fight in the episode feel like the rematch that never happened. In Mirage, Shredder killed Tang Shen and Yoshi, leaving a mutated Splinter and the Turtles to avenge their deaths. Here, Shredder killed Tang Shen, but Yoshi lived to get his revenge. Plus this the first time we see Splinter and Shredder finally fight it out, and seeing him move around like a real giant rat was something impressive to watch. Also surprised Splinter was just as determined to kill Shredder as Shredder was to kill him. A lot of his threats seemed final (Remember this face well, for it is the last thing you'll ever see!) and it did look like he was going to deliver the killing strike on Shredder before Karai came to save him. Hardcore.

One more thing with Shredder... kinda loved how he just handed April over to the Kraang and basically doom humanity, just as long as he gets revenge on Hamato Yoshi. Woulda loved to have seen his face had the Turtles failed and he steps outside his hideout to see the world completely taken over by Kraang and the air full of Dimension X atmosphere.

The next thing Paige and I agreed on was on the blandness of the Technodrome. It was just this boring huge floating orb. The inside was rather bland and boring as well, expect for the zero gravity. Maybe the giant eye and tank treads would have been too much (especially since this one floats) but at least give it the giant black laser cannons. Paige did a double-take when the episode started out mentioning it, and asked me 'did they just say the Technodrome??' since she recently got into the 80's version. We both liked the 80's Technodrome better, cheese and all.

On other thoughts, let me throw some out there for some of the characters real quick. Leo was awesome, and he really took Splinter's advice to self-sacrifice if that's what it takes to complete the mission to heart. It was weird that he did it TWICE though... they probably should have saved that for the second time with the Technodrome for more dramatic effect.

Kraang Prime was cool, and you can really hear Roseanne's voice there. It had a very weird manner of speaking, switching from talking normally to talking in Kraang-speak broken English. It at least consistently referred itself in the third person... though it was only called Kraang. Again, I don't believe it was ever directly called Kraang Prime.

Interesting to see Traag back. It is more clear this time that he does work for the Kraang, but he's still a mindless monster that can't talk. I wonder where Leatherhead is, but sadly we can only assume Traag or the Kraang have him locked up somewhere in Dimension X.

 Nice to see Dogpound and Fishface again, haven't seen them for a while. Nice to see Metalhead back in actual action again. Loved the little pigeon trick Raph used, which is based on the Mirage comics issue when Don used a pigeon puppet in the same way to trick the security cameras as they also snuck into the TCRI building. Like real... REAL clever reference they slipped in there. Also Baxter isn't around anymore, but they continue to use his Mousers. I wonder if it will piss him off.

Kudos to April for finally calling Splinter and just chillin' at home all the time while the Turtles do all the dirty work, even now when the stakes were so high. I do see he's afraid what would happen if he did face the Shredder, but it's good to see SOMEONE call him out on it. I do wonder about Kirby though. Now that he's rescued, and STAYED rescued... will he become a recurring character? Will April how have to go out and kick some ass.... after getting daddy's permission?

As for April... I'm still at a loss of exactly how April having some kind of sixth sense was going to help the Kraang conquer the world? They were planning to terraform the world, not rule it with massive brainwashing... so I don't see how hooking up April to a brain-drain chair somehow powers up the Technodrome's terraform beam. Plus, it's still not explained how the Kraang knew she had this ability, since apparently it was revealed they always meant to capture her all along, and her father was just wrong place-wrong time. They mostly kept Kirby around in hopes to use him to get to April. But still... let's hope season 2 expands on this.

Further retrospect

I love this season. Everything was fresh and new and this season did a great job introducing us to the new version of the turtles and their new personalities. Everything we learned regarding Splinter and Shredder's backstory, the mission to rescue April's father as well as what the Kraang wanted with April to begin with, all of that came to a head here. 

I still miss Leo's season 1 voice, Jason Biggs, that due to his adult humor on social media, got pulled off the line up and replaced in season 3. We had Dominic Cantambone take over for a few episodes until Seth Green would take over for the rest of the show, but damn, do I still miss the voice that we started with. 


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