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By Mark Rodriguez

Bebop and Rocksteady nearly killed Donatello, but Fugitoid and Harold placed his... soul or whatever into Metalhead. Baxter helped Shredder recover from the fight against Krang, and they both returned to the Foot. Casey finally ends things with Hun. Baxter sends an army of Mousers and Flyborgs to the Turtles, attacking them in their own home.. and with their main target being Splinter. Let's see how this all goes down.

Leo, Don, Mike and Splinter fight off the Mousers and Flyborgs as Donnie's comatose body is still in the room. Leo tells Raph to take Splinter to the basement, and he has Mikey guard Donnie. Leo will take on the bugs himself. Metalhead-Donnie arrives to help and has Harold beam his mortal body out of there. He will help out in the fight and also has Harold tell Angel and Alopex and they need their help. As Angel and Alopex dash off, they're spotted by the same cops that were taking Hun to jail.

The police van is stuck in traffic when suddenly there's an explosion that knocks the vehicle on its side. Hob and Herman show up to rescue Hun and they drive off. Hob needs Hun's help to 'break in with the humans'. Hun says Slash won't be too happy to see him and Hob says they'll cross that bridge when they get to it. Detective Kara can only watch as they get away and admits that this surprised even her.

Meanwhile, with the Foot, Kitsune asks Shredder about Baxter being there, and Saki tells her that he's there to help kill Splinter and once that's done, he's out of here. Kitsune asks about Karai to which Shredder replies 'what about her?'. Baxter, who is mentally linked to his killer inventions, tells Shredder that he can see Splinter is on the run.

Leo, Raph, Splinter and Metal-Donnie are fighting off the robots in the basement. Don tells his sensei that his mortal body is safe, but that much more robots are on their way. The turtles have to swim for it, though Raph complains since it is sewer water after all. Donnie turns himself into... boat mode, allowing Splinter to ride him safely across the water.

The nightly sky is literally swarming with Baxter's Mousers and Flyborgs. Raph is pulled underwater and Mikey is carried off by the flies. Donnie fires a grappling hook and escapes with Splinter while Leo dives to rescue Raph. Mike smacks the robot with his nunchucks and dives back into the ocean, cannonball style. Leo, Raph and Mike soon make it to shore.

Alopex and Angel show up to help, and by now Leo, Raph and Mike have climbed up to where Splinter and Donnie were. They all form a defensive circle and ready to fight to the finish. Mikey quips that he hopes Donnie has more Metalheads lying around to transfer their souls into, because they all might be needing them soon.

My opinions-

I kinda get what they were going for with that last line... but that's just a very weird thing to say.... even if it is Mikey saying it... And I don't know... just a weird thing to say around Donnie.

As for the issue itself, I'm glad we finally got to see Donnie. Considering what happened to him, we've barely seen him at all since to get any sense of what he's feeling (or maybe lack of feeling?) now that he's basically the Alphonse Elric of the series. And how the hell does it feel to.... transform into a boat thing and have your own father ride you like a vehicle...??? It's just all so weird and I'm kinda curious to see how that works for Donnie.

Hob using Hun for whatever is interesting. Too soon to see what he's up to. And Hun is right, Slash won't be too happy to see him. I wonder if this is involving Null, or if they will be going after the Foot?

As for the rest of the issue, it was all a big fight against the bugs and Mousers. Not much to really say there. I mean... these guys aren't exactly awesome fighters or anything, they just come at you with sheer numbers. At least the Foot have cool ninja weapons and whatnot. Probably the most thrilling thing was when one of them pulled Raph underwater. That was a real close one. I don't know. The comic (or rather most comics nowadays) do much better fight scenes when it's a certain group of people fighting, or one on one... no so much when it's against a huge army of clones. And since this was most of the book it did kinda read rather quickly.

Not much I can say about the issue other that I can't wait to see what happens. I am curious about Kitsune calling Shredder 'beloved'. Not really sure if she ever called him that before. And despite proving herself time and again, Shredder keeps treating Karai like crap. We'll have to see just how much more she can take before she snaps.


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