By Mark Rodriguez The Turtles come home in time to see Kitsune and Alopex killing the Foot! Not only that but Kitsune stabs Master Splinter!! The issue opens in ancient Japan as a retainer who served the Governor of Kai ran into a multi-tailed fox on his way home. He shot at it with a noisemaker arrow to scare is away but it struck it in the back of the leg. As the man tried to get another arrow, the fox returned in front of him. Before he could shoot again, the fox suddenly vanished. When the man was a short distance from his home, he saw the fox again, now running with a burning branch in its mouth. The retainer gave chase and saw the fox turn into a woman and set his house on fire. Before the man could fire an arrow, the woman turned back into a fox and ran off. The house burned down. The Turtles witness Splinter get stabbed by Kistune. Splinter is still alive but before Kistune could do more damage, Mike tosses his grappling hook around her neck and pulls her ba...
Mark's Epic Blog of Randomness!! Reviews on random geeky stuff like comics, wrestling and whatever else comes to mind!