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WWE Monday Night Raw- Oct. 8, 2018

By Mark Rodriguez

This is RAW right after the Super Show-Down that took place in Australia. Yep, this aired live at 5 in the morning on the WWE Network, so I won't blame you if you watched this one after the fact.  I sure did. This episode is said to open with Triple H and Shawn Michaels talking about their previous match featuring the Undertaker and Kane at Super Show-Down. Trish Stratus will also make an appearance. Is this still 2018?

Triple H and Shawn Michaels segment

Triple H and Shawn Michaels come in and are angry at Undertaker and Kane after the results of their match. After the match ended, all four men held their arms up in victory to celebrate a great match. Undertaker and Kane however, attacked them and walked off. Triple H and Shawn Micheals take off their shirts to reveal D-Generation X shirts underneath. D-Generation is back and they ask if the Undertaker and Kane are ready.

First Match- Bobby Lashley (with Lio Rush) VS Kevin Owens

This time Lio Rush acts as the hype man, cheering for and talking up Bobby as he fights. This time Kevin would stay and fight, and he did a fake out suicide dive. Lio taunted that Kevin wouldn't be able to have done a suicide dive for real since he's not a real athlete. Kevin proves them wrong by knocking Bobby down with a suicide dive through the ropes. The crowd is actually cheering for Owens and booing Bobby.

Owens would have enough of Lio and he chased him around the ring. Once he caught him, Bobby would grab Owens and throw him into the steel steps. Bobby hit him with a Suplex and a pin but Owens kicked out. Lio distracted Owens when he got on the ropes and Bobby got him tangled on the ropes and attacked his knee. Bobby would get him in a big slam and win the match. However with the match over, Lashley still returned to the ring to continue the assault on Owens' knee.

I don't recall Lashley getting booed, but wow, he got the hate. Maybe it was Lio being such a damn annoyance. Coming back to attack Owens' knee was a great way to build up heel heat and possibly turn Owens into a kinda/sorta face.

There is some talk about a World Cup Tournament at Crown Jewel which will involve 4 guys from RAW and 4 guys from Smackdown. John Cena has already entered on the side of RAW. Baron Corbin will also announce a Global Battle Royale.

There is a short interview with Fin Balor and Bayley and they discuss how they're a much better team than their opponents, Jinder and Fox for the Mixed Match Challenge. Bobby and Lio come in to interrupt and brag about how they defeated Owens. Lio says that Bobby Lashley is Too Sweet, which is a subtle knock against Fin.

Elias segment

Elias comes in for another attempt at a song, this time bashing John Cena at the match at Super Show-Down, as well as insulting Chicago (where this event is currently being held). Even I had to boo at him saying the Cubs will never make it to the World Series. He is interrupted by Ronda Rousey, ready for her next match.

Second Match- The Bellas and Ronda Rousey VS The Riott Squad

The match started between Liv Morgan and Brie Bella right off the bat, with Liv still being angry from their previous match. Liv dodged Brie's Yes Kick and knocked down and just went wild on her. Both women spilled out of the ring and they had to be separated. Rousey was tagged in and the Riott Squad backed off.

After the break, Nikki and Ruby are fighting it out, with Ruby being in trouble. Brie was tagged in and Ruby slammed her on the back of her head outside the mat. The Riott Squad would take turns beating on Brie until she managed to hit Ruby with a Missile Dropkick and tag Rousey in. Of course it was basically over once Rousey stepped

Perhaps these two should have a solo match. I mean, as long as Nikki and Rousey stay out of it, I'm 100% sure Liv can take down the Botch Twin.
It seemed like a regular match between these two teams, but suddenly the Bella turn on Rousey. She would put up somewhat of a fight, but the Bellas would throw her around against the steels steps and the barricade. The crowd would boo and chant 'WE DON'T WANT NIKKI!' and 'YOU SUCK!' as the Bellas walk off.

Third Match- Bayley and Fin Balor VS Jinder Mahal and Alicia Fox Mixed Match Challenge

The match started with Jinder grabbing Balor in a hold. Bayley is tagged in and Balor lifts her up as she does a Hurricanara on Jinder. After the break, Alicia had Bayley down until she was thrown out of the ring, twice. Baylay tags in Balor and Jinder comes in. Balor manages to kick Jinder down as Bayley kept Fox away from breaking up the pins. Balor lands on Jinder with the Coup de Grace and wins the match.

There is a short segment where McIntyre is sick of Ziggler trying to boss them around and reminds him that he costs them the win at the Super Show-Down with their match against the SHIELD. Strauman reminds them both that they're there to watch his back as he tries to win the Universal Title. He wants them to shut up and get a win tonight with no more excuses.

Heath Slater asks Baron Corbin for a shot at the Battle Royale at the Crown Jewel. Corbin says he's not any good and turns him down.

Fourth Match- Global Battle Royale

Corbin comes out and announces the winner of the Global Battle Royale will be entering the World Cup Tournament. However, the ring is full of jobbers and Corbin will enter the match himself. The match went as you'd expect, with Corbin easily defeating all of the challengers, except El Conquistador, a guy covered in head to toe in a gold costume. The Conquistador surprised Corbin with three Rolling Suplexes and a body slam. He then clotheslined Baron Corbin out of the ring and winning the match. El Conquistador takes off his mask revealing himself to be Kurt Angle who is now on the way to join the World Cup Tournament.

In a short interview, Kurt Angle is welcomed back and he reminds the interviewer that he's still technically on vacation.

Fifth Match- Ember Moon VS Nia Jax

This was a friendly match between friends (and filler). Nia would toss Ember around and Ember would try to use her speed against her. She managed to knock Nia out of the ring with a Missile Dropkick. Ember would run for a suicide dive but she actually bounced off Nia without effect. Nia would continue to slam her and toss her around as they were both outside of the ring. Nia ran against the ring and knocked herself out and Ember managed to just barely climb back into the ring to beat the 10 count. Ember Moon won via count out. Nia steps back into the ring and there is a brief suspenseful pause, until Nia comes up to hug Ember and celebrate her victory.

Trish Stratus and Alexa Bliss segment

Trish came out to hype up Evolution and trash talk Alexa Bliss. Alexa and Mickie James would come out to trash talk as well and Trish challenges Alexa to fight in the ring right here, right now. Alexa steps up and Mickie James suggests they should team up against Trish. Trish likes the idea and calls her tag team partner, Lita. Trish and Lita quickly overpower Bliss and James and both women leave, now seeing that they've just got themselves into.

Sixth Match- Bobby Roode and Chad Gable VS Ascension

Konnor threatened to end their opponents and grappled with Roode until Gable managed to jump off the ropes and Missile Dropkick him. The Ascension would beat on Gabl, keeping Roode out of the match. Once Gable managed to tag him back in, Roode attacked Viktor and hit him with a Blockbuster. Roode was about to finish the match but Gable tagged himself in and got Victor in a Suplex Bridge to win the match. Roode didn't seem too happy that Gable stole the win, but there wasn't much time to react as AoP made their appearance. They literally ran Konnor over and quickly took out Roode. They then grabbed Gable and Viktor and slammed them together with the Super Collider.

WWE announces two matches, Rhonda Rousey VS Nikki Bella and the Tag Match between Trish Stratus and Lita VS Alexa Bliss and Mickie James at Evolution.

WWE also announces AJ Styles VS Daniel Bryan for the WWE Championship, D-Generation X VS The Brothers of Destruction and the Triple Threat Match between Roman Reigns, Braun Strauman and Brock Lesnar at Crown Jewel.

Main Event- The SHIELD VS Ziggler, McIntyre and Strauman

Paul Heyman comes out and cuts a promo on how both Reigns and Strauman beat the hell out of each other at Super Show-Down, and then they will do the same thing tonight, while Brock Lesnar is sleeping and resting up, as well as training in his personal gym. Heyman tells everyone that Brock Lesnar will be winning at Crown Jewel.

The SHIELD finally arrives, as do their opponents. Rollins starts fighting with McIntyre. Soon we get Roman facing Strauman, and the Big Dog gets overpowered. Reigns tries to lift Strauman and fails, and his team beat on him until Rollins and Amrbose come in. The SHIELD clothesline Ziggler and McIntyre out of the ring and turn their attention to Strauman. The Monster among Men backs off and yells at his teammates to start pulling their own weight.

After the commercial break, Strauman's team have Reigns in their corner where they can beat him up. Ziggler jumps at Reigns and gets socked right out of the air. Strauman is tagged in and this time Reigns is able to get him into a Samoa Drop. Rollins and Ziggler fight it out and The Showoff falls victim to the Buckle Bomb. Strauman grabs both Rollins and Ambrose but Reigns saves them by nailing the Monster with a Superman Punch. Ziggler and McIntyre are thrown out of the ring and the SHIELD all do suicide dives to knock down all three of their opponents.

After the break, Strauman's team now have Rollins at their mercy. Strauman throws Reigns and Ambrose around to keep Rollins from tagging them. Strauman yells at Ziggler telling him that's 'how you pull your weight' and McIntyre pulled him back. Strauman and McIntyre have a face off and Rollins attacks them both. Ambrose fights with McIntyre as Strauman attacks Reigns outside the ring. In the end, Rollins tackles Ziggler out of the ring to keep him from interfering, but McIntyre manages to land the Claymore Kick on Ambrose and pin him for the win.

Ambrose gets up and walks away from the match looking disappointed. Rollins and Reigns can only stare in confusion.

The Highs of Tonight's RAW

- Um.. I guess I'm supposed to say the return of D-Generation X, but the internet spoiled that. We knew about D-Generation X VS The Brothers of Destruction for a while. I also knew about Mickie James VS Lita, but I am surprised that now it's gonna be a tag match. Same thing with the Bellas attacking Rousey to set up Nikki VS Rousey.

- Kurt Angle in the World Cup Tournament- Too bad the Battle Royale was lame. I mean, it at least gives some of the lesser guys some screen time. The World Cup Tournament is a good idea and I'm curious who all the members are going to be.

- Kevin Owens VS Bobby Lashley made me care- Wow, Bobby turning into a heel and Owens finally getting some cheers is getting me interested in their feud now. Is Owens going to turn face?

- The Main Event- Damn, what an intense match all around. Lots of great spots, and it looked like the Chicago crowd was actually CHEERING for Roman Reigns at some moments. The finish was unexpected but I do like how the story is going into both teams, not just the SHIELD. Ziggler is a waste of time now, even though he was putting on great matches with Rollins before. Now he just gets taken out quickly every time he's tagged in, so I'm sure they're gonna factor that into their story. Ambrose walking out just continues with this weird 'when will he turn heel' storyline which I wish they'd kinda hold off on for a while.

The Lows of Tonight's RAW-

- Most of everything else- Not really too bad per say, I'm just indifferent to the other matches. That Nia Jax VS Ember Moon match was just pure useless filler as is Elias with Ronda randomly interrupting him but not even talking to him. Did he just vanish as the Bellas and Riott Squad came in?

-Riott Squad need a push- I know they had to lose to set up the Bellas attacking Rousey, but hopefully with this new predicament they can be given a chance to have a decent match with someone else. They could have gone a little further with them trying to help Rousey against the Bellas, so they at least won't have her as an enemy anymore. As much as I like Ruby, they should set up a match between Liv Morgan and Brie Bella, and have Liv finally take her out.

- Bobby Roode- Maybe he'll get a push if he turns on Gable as they planted that seed tonight, but AoP came in so fast there was barely enough time for it to sink in. I did like that AoP attacked both teams and not just The Ascension.

My Overall Opinions

Decent episode, too bad those darn social media spoilers ruined what would have been big surprises. I assume next week or so we'll have Undertaker and Kane come in to accept the challenge. I'm interested in Owens getting cheers tonight and I'm surprised even Reigns got cheers. Other than all the nostalgia, the matches were so-so except for the main event. That was just amazing and I like that both teams got troubles within themselves. I'm curious to see how both teams work out in the weeks to come. 

It's funny how Chicago got a lot to boo about tonight. Booing about Lashley, booing against Nikki and Elias insulting them. 

I'm adding my review of Super Show-Down and the odd thing is I don't remember Undertaker and Kane turning on Triple H and Shawn Michaels at the end of the match. I must have tuned out after Triple H won. It confused me to see Trips and Michaels so angry despite winning the match until they showed the clips from that event. So my review won't mention anything about that event because I missed the the first time.


Sometime later as part of a WWE exclusive, Ambrose was interviewed on his walking out after his loss. He said 'I don't know, maybe I don't belong anywhere.' 

I do wonder where they'll go with this since it doesn't necessarily mean a heel turn, but I do know a big majority of the fanbase is waiting for one.


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