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Dragonball Super manga Volume 3 (Chapter 18)

By Mark Rodriguez

Gowas has seen that Zamas has begun to show dark thoughts towards mortals and wants to steer him on the right path. Meanwhile the Dragon Crew have been preparing for the trip while the Time Machine was getting re-fueled. Before they can go, Zeno Sama has contacted Goku. This is something that can't wait. Goku, Whis and the Kaiohshin went to see the God of Everything.

Chapter 18- Goku Black's True Identity

Whis apologizes for Goku's outfit as they were in a rush and the Grand Priest says that the outfit is probably the nicest one he owns, to which Goku agrees. As they walk towards Zeno's quarters, Goku can sense the Grand Priest is very powerful. Whis says he is, but Goku must not be rude enough to challenge him to a fight. The Grand Priest is so powerful that not even Whis would stand a chance. Goku asks why not enlist his help against Goku Black. Whis explains that Angels must be neutral, which is why Goku has never seen Whis fight except when they're training. He won't be able to help even if our heroes are dying. If word got out to Zeno that he interfered, he would destroy Goku and the rest of the universe. 

Zeno Sama is happy to see Goku again and says he liked him from the first day he saw him and wants to be his friend. Goku is surprised and asks what would he do as his friend. Zeno jumps off his throne and walks towards him saying he wants to play. Goku asks if he was brought all this way to play and Zeno asks if that's bad. Kaioshin assures him that Goku is more than honored to be in in his presence and Zeno tells him to shut up.

Zeno asks Son Goku what he is trying to say and he says just calling him Goku is fine. Zeno Sama wants a nickname too and Goku asks if he likes Zen-Chan, which makes Kaiohshin pass out. Zeno likes the nickname. Goku asks if he was also called over about the tournament and Zeno says they can discuss that too but he wants to play now. Goku apologizes and says he's a bit busy and if he can wait to play later. Zeno's bodyguards speak up on his behalf, and Zeno gives them the cold stare, telling them to shut up or he will erase them. 

Goku says he'll return when he's done and he might bring along someone that he might like even more than him to play with. Goku also says the place does look a little boring so he should come visit them sometime. Zeno gives him a special button that can be used to summon him at any time. Goku picks up Kaioshin and bids him farewell for now. The Grand Priest tells Whis he met an interesting friend and even he's excited to see him again.

Elsewhere the Kaioshin of Universe 10 is done writing scripture and wonders where Zamas is. Zamas is currently visiting Lord Zuno, where he is told about how to summon the Dragonballs to grant his wish, and afterwards they spread out between two universes. Zamas asks if he needs to gather all 7 of them, and Zuno says that is all the questions he will answer for now. Zamas tells him he is speaking to a Kaioshin and he can destroy him in an instant if he wishes to. He asks again and Zuno confirms that he must collect all 7, but it will take a year for them to be ready again. Zamas tells him that he will tell him the location of the Dragonballs.

Meanwhile Beerus is waiting for everyone to return and is glad to see Whis, Goku and Kaioshin arrive just fine. Whis says Goku mentioned bringing Zeno Sama a new friend and wondered who he had in mind. Goku didn't know and asks Whis if he knows anyone. Whis is surprised Goku just lied to Zeno, the Lord of Everything, and Goku said he only told him that so he would let them go back home. Kaioshin tells him of the dangerous situation he created if Zeno ever finds out. Goku says he'll figure it out later, and notices that Beerus has a lot of free time. Beerus angrily refuses. Whis says they must deal with the matter at hand and Beerus is determined to make Kibito talk. Kaiohshin asks Goku what is this Goku Black they keep talking about and Goku starts to explain. Just then Bulma arrives as she has been looking for them all.

Kaioshin is caught up in what happened in Trunks' future. Bulma tells the crew they have a visitor, who is Kibito. Kibito tells the gang there is an emergency and Lord Beerus is ready to destroy him then and there. Kaioshin gets in the way and tells him there's been a big misunderstanding. 

Kibito got a message from Zuno Sama that he was visited by a god named Zamas asking about the Super Dragonballs in great detail. Kaioshin tells Beerus that Zamas was a former Kaioh Sama from Universe 10 that is training to be the next Kaioshin. He also wanted to know a lot about Son Goku. Whis said maybe he saw a video of the recent Universal Tournament, and Beerus mentioned it was illegally uploaded to Godtube. Goku is confused because he never heard of this person. Kibito says Zamas asked Zuno if it would be possible to switch bodies with that of a mortal with the powers of the Super Dragonballs. Everyone is shocked.

The gang figures out that Zamas plans to switch bodies with Goku to become Goku Black. Bulma says that might be the story for this timeline but it might be different for Trunks. Trunks reminds everyone that the Goku from his era died long ago. Whis says he might be able to use the Time Rings to travel to parallel worlds. Whis points to Kaioshin's earring and asks Trunks if he remember Goku Black wearing similar earrings. Trunks says he does, but only on one ear. Whis emits a colored orb and asks if the earring was that color, seeing as only Kaioshins can wear those types of earrings. Trunks remembers a previous battle with Goku Black and confirms it was the same color.

Bulma says that Zamas is going to kill his master and use the Super Dragonballs to switch his body with Goku and then use the Time Rings to go to Trunks' timeline. Goku asks why he would go to that timeline. Whis explains in this timeline Beerus and all of Earth's warriors are still alive, it would be easier to take over a world where all of them are gone. Whis says they can't assume this world is safe, as Zamas might be hiding somewhere in this world too. 

Beerus wants to go to Universe 10 to destroy Zamas right now. Kaioshin says that will change the future and create yet another parallel world. Beerus says they have no choice because they are all going to die. Goku wants to join them, but since Zamas wants to switch bodies with him it would be too dangerous for him to come along. Kaioshin is ready to take them, but Beerus says he actually has another favor to ask of him. 

Vegeta asks if Zamas saw the tournament and wanted a strong body why didn't he come after him instead of Goku. Bulma says that's not the point. Vegeta also says Monaka was the one that won the tournament, why not him. Goku says maybe he didn't want to be in Monaka's body due to his big nipples. 

As Bulma and the others walk down the halls, they see Pilaf holding the fuel for the Time Machine. He says he just finished filling it up (but knowing him, who knows if he was just gonna steal it). Goku, Vegeta and Trunks are ready to go and plan to leave without waiting for Beerus and Whis to return. Bulma sighs and lets them go. She tells them to return alive, no matter what.

Beerus and Whis arrive to visit the Kaiohshin from Universe 10, who is named Gowas. They mentioned they came to see his apprentice, and while Zamas does live there, he's been gone for a while. Gowas mentions it's the first time he ever left without permission and he's beginning to worry. Beerus says they will wait until he returns.

Goku makes sure he has senzu beans handy and the trio of Saiyans board the Time Machine. Kid Trunks, Pilaf, Mai and Shou wish them luck as they go. They arrive in Trunks' desolate future and Goku gets airsick (or something) due to looking out the window as they traveled. Just then Goku Black detects their ki.

Goku detects Goku Black's ki off in the mountains and it's on the move. Trunks hides the Time Machine and just then sees the little black cat that lives in Capsule Corp. He follows it down the ruins of a destroyed building and quickly calls Goku for a senzu. He found Mai and she's still alive. Mai is unresponsive and Trunks places the Senzu in his mouth and gives it to her, mouth-to-mouth. Goku is surprised Trunks is doing something like that. Vegeta asked Goku if he's ever kissed anyone before, to which he says he hasn't. Vegeta is confused because Goku is married, and he asks what that has to do with anything. Vegeta says never mind.

Mai wakes up and Trunks hugs her tightly, glad she's still alive. Mai asks if Trunks was unable to make it back to the past. Trunks says he did succeed and now he's returned. She asks why he returned and Goku tells her he returned to help them defeat Goku Black. Mai is confused by Goku (it's probably been decades since she would last seen him when he was still a child) and Trunks explains that this is the real Goku he told her about and Vegeta is his father. Vegeta recognizes Mai as the 'future version of the brat that lives in his house'. Vegeta tells Trunks to stay behind to protect Mai and the Time Machine and they'll call him if he needs their help. In the worst case scenario, he wants them to return to the past.

Trunks is surprised from how his father is acting and Goku pokes fun at how much Vegeta had changed from the last time he saw him (Vegeta was anything but a family man back during the Cell Saga). Vegeta and Goku fly off to face the enemy and Trunks tells Mai he believes in them being able to defeat him.

Goku Black senses two powerful kis and wonders who they are. Goku and Vegeta wander around a destroyed and deserted town until they are finally face to face with Goku Black. Goku is surprised how he really does look just like him. Vegeta tells Goku that he wants to go first, nothing excites him more than getting to fight someone that looks exactly like him. 

The gag page has Zamas freaking out because he switched bodies with Monaka, and says he should stick with the original plan and switch with Goku instead.

My thoughts- 

Things start coming together a lot more differently than they did in the anime version. The mystery between Goku Black and Zamas is pretty much drawn out, while in the manga Bulma and the rest figured out his plans rather quickly thanks to Kibito. It could be another one of those 'benefit of hindsight' situations, where the anime was still ahead at the time. After all, why drag out the secret of Goku Black if anyone watching the anime already knew by then?

Now speaking of benefit of hindsight.... I really wish the manga left out the stupid fact that Goku doesn't know what a kiss is. A lot of the fans complained when Dragonball Super episode 60 showed this scene, and the manga made it happen even sooner. Even if we go strictly by the manga (that one scene where Goku kissed Chi-Chi during the Cell Saga was anime filler), it's impossible that after so many years, Goku does not know what a kiss is unless you can convince me that Chi-Chi also doesn't know what a kiss is. While I can give you that Goku himself probably wouldn't kiss Chi-Chi, you can't tell me that Chi-Chi never kissed him, especially during the Honeymoon phase of their marriage. Dammit Toyotaro, Toei dropped the ball, you didn't have to pick it up and bring that nonsense into the manga too. 

One thing the anime also threw in for some reason, was Yajirobe surviving in Trunks' future timeline. It was a bit confusing because in DBZ we clearly saw that Yajirobe died alongside the others at the hands of the Androids. I forgot if this was mentioned in the manga or not, but it seems the Super manga didn't bring him back so it's a moot point.

Android 18 has no chill

In Super, Yajirobe explains that when he was attacked by the Androids, Korin gave him the last senzu before he was killed in his place. It's still very confusing as to why they brought him back since he really didn't do anything. I guess it was just a cool cameo for the fans.

Going back to the story itself, I am enjoying seeing the different ways the manga approaches things, giving a bit more focus on characters like Kaioshin and Kibito. We also get to see Goku meet up with Zeno Sama again and call him Zen-Chan. We'll see how that meeting will affect things. Just like the anime however, Goku was still foolish enough to lie to Zeno Sama so he could get back to dealing with their current situation. 

I also like how they keep bringing up Monaka, since Goku still doesn't know the truth. It makes sense though, if Zamas wanted to switch bodies with the 'most powerful fighter', why would he choose Goku over Monaka?

While in the anime we got that small fight between Goku and Goku Black beforehand, this is the very first time our heroes get to see the main villain of this arc. In both versions, Vegeta goes first, eager to beat up someone that looks like Kakarrot, but the fight will play out differently in both versions.


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