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TMNT Legends Phone App Game

By Mark Rodriguez

With an upcoming TV show, Rise of the TMNT, it's a wonder how long support for this game, which is heavily based on the previous 2012 cartoon will last. This is a free phone app game, brought to you by Ludia, which is basically a turn based RPG.

This was the first title screen when the game first came out in 2016.
While the game was mostly based on the 2012 TMNT show, the game was released around the time of TMNT Out of the Shadows (the Micheal Bay movie) so there was a mini game that would let you unlock characters from the movie. Even though many weren't fans of the movie, at least for a phone app game, it's cool to use the BayTurtles alongside the NickTurtles. Eventually, thanks to the TV episode, Transdimensional Turtles, we got 80's and Mirage versions of the characters added too.

This is how it looks now, as you can see it's packed with tons more characters, and different versions of them

The game's main story opens with the Turtles about to stop the Kraang from their latest scheme, but during the fight, one of the aliens blast Raph, Don and Mikey through a portal leaving Leo alone. Now he has to gather new allies as he tries to get his brothers back, and this game mixes friends with foes. Of course, apart from the Kraang, you must also deal with Shredder and the Foot as well as other enemies like Hun, Snakeweed, Spider Bytes and Pizza Face.

You start with Leo but soon enough you can recruit Karai, Spider Bytes and Newtralizer. Then it's up to you to recruit other characters based on cards you get after completing missions. The game plays pretty much RPG turn-based style. Every character has a basic attack and they can earn extra powerful attacks that come with cut scenes that can be used once every 5 or so turns.

The attacks can be regular attacks, or a big attack that hurts everyone on the opposing team, like Karai firing off a barrage of kunai blades or Metalhead firing missiles at everyone. Leo and April, for example, have the ability to heal the team. Some characters can form shields around the team, like Donnie. Other characters like the Karai Serpent can gain the ability to hit the opponent with two times in a row, and other characters like Hun can gain the ability to automatically auto-strike if they are attacked, regardless of if it's their turn or not.

Shinigami about to crack that whip. She is one of the newer characters introduced in the final seasons

With the updates, there are now  a lot of extra side missions and things to help you get needed items and recruit new characters. The game has several different kinds of in-game currency, but of course if you want to skip the level up grinding you can always pay with real money.

Aside from the main story, there is also 'Journeys', where you can choose to play through the Out of the Shadows story to get those characters. Transdimensional Turtles is another story mode where you can collect 80's and Mirage versions of the characters. There is a also a mini game that usually plays when you're downloading updates, and now you can choose to play it any time.

There are also daily missions where you can collect specific items like warp passes, that let you skip the fight and just claim the prize, assuming you cleared the mission perfectly before, and mutagen that is used to level up the characters and their moves.

The game also has a tournament mode in which you battle other players in a chance to win a specific character, which updates every week or so. This is a perfect chance to earn some of the harder to find characters. Now, depending on your rank, you can earn in-game money and VS points that can be used to unlock more characters in the in-game shop.

My team of Newtralizer, Chris Bradford, Leo and Karai VS the opposing team of Mutagen Man, Casey Jones, Metalhead and Fishface
Finally you also get challenges that change every week or so, which are extra side quests to earn more of the rarer characters to encounter, especially different versions of the Turtles.

Finally the shop has you buy all sorts of items and characters with the various forms of in-game currency, and of course, with real money. The game is a bit of a waiting game, since like most free app games, it only allows you play the missions a certain amount of times before they expect you to fork out real cash to continue playing. I always choose to wait.

While the roster had a decent size, after the most recent update exploded. Not counting the side characters, there are now Out of the Shadows, 80's, Mirage, LARP, Vision Quest and Space versions of the Turtles on top of the regular versions. Since some of the mutant villains were prominent characters when they were still human for a while in the 2012 show, you can even get regular human versions of Baxter, Chris, Bradford, Anton and Steranko before they were mutated, Some of the newer characters added in the last update were the Kunoichi version of April, Shinigami, Usagi, Alopex (Nick 2012 version), 80's Shredder and Krang and the Super Shredder (Nick 2012 version). The most bizzare characters are Easter versions of 80's Bebop, Rocksteady and Mousers, because after Easter weekend, they just felt weird.

Although it's doubtful they would add 2K3 versions of the turtles, or possibly, the IDW comics version, I'd say they can still add Lord Dregg, Mona Lisa, Renet, Savanti and Fugitoid to wrap the cast for a final update. I really do enjoy this game, it's a fun little time waster, and I still have yet to get some of my favorite characters and finish the main story mode. I find it funny that I have different versions of Mikey but not the regular 2012 version of Mikey yet to complete the set. This is one of those games that you can't play offline, you simply must have a connection or it won't work. I hope the servers stay open for a good while even after Rise of the TMNT and it's inevitable phone app game comes out.


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