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AEW Dark Women's Matches- March 15, 2022 (Episode 134)

 By Mark Rodriguez

We got 4 matched in this hour and 20 minute edition of AEW Dark. I'm mostly curious to see what Diamante will think of Session Moth's dancing antics.

First Match- Ashley D'Amboise vs Ruby Soho

Ruby finally got a good clean handshake from Ashley without being attacked. Both women lock up. Ruby gets her in an arm lock and even though Ashley tries to reverse it, The Runaway regains control of it. Through several attempts, Ashley finally gets out of the arm lock only to be trapped in a side headlock. Ashley finally pushes her to the ropes but Ruby bounces back and knocks her down. Ruby runs at her and Ashley is able to leap over her and then knock her down with a dropkick when she tried again.

Ashley flexes to the crowd and goes for a rear waist lock. Ruby reverses it for her own waist lock. Ruby ripcords Ashley into the ringpost, but she gets out of the way before Ruby can slam into her. As Ruby runs at her again, Ashley slams her down with an armdrag. Ashley moves in but is grabbed by Ruby's armdrag. Ruby then grabs her in a back heel kick. 

Ruby grabs Ashley in a straightjacket hold, restraining her arms. Ashley fights her way back to her feet and eventually tosses Ruby off her. Ashley grabs Ruby in a roll up but she kicks out at two. Ruby hits her with a knee, then a kick and finally grabs her arm and knocks her out with No Future. Ruby pins her and gets the win, 

Match 2- Session Moth Martina vs Diamante

Session Moth starts dancing to Diamante's theme and even starts dancing instead of locking up. Diamante pretends to dance along and then knocks her down with a lariat. With Martina up against the ropes, Diamante hits her with a deadly chop followed by several elbows and an uppercut. Martina tries to run but Diamante whips her back into the corner. Martina manages to get out of the way before Diamante can elbow her, hitting the ringpost. With Diamante up against the turnbuckle, Martina runs at her, only to get a boot to the face. 

Diamante runs at her with a hurracarana that she transitions into a Russian Legsweep. Diamante goes for the pin and the Session Moth kicks out. Diamante goes for a running elbow and tries for another pin but her dancing opponent still kicks out. Diamante gets her in an armbar and starts talking trash.

 Session Moth gets to her feet but Diamante gets her in a headlock. She slams her back to the mat and gets her in a rear chin lock. Martina gets to her feet and knocks Diamante off her with a few elbows. She goes for the ropes but Diamante is right behind her and hits her with a headbutt. Diamante was dazed by this as well so Martina grabs her and slams her down with a swinging neckbreaker. She goes for the pin but Diamante kicks out.

Martina runs at Diamante but was tripped. Diamante tries to go for a pin while hanging off the ropes, but she wasn't close enough to properly get on the ropes and the referee caught it. As Diamante and the ref argue over the use of the ropes, Martina grabs her in a roll up pin, but couldn't keep her down. Martina socks her with an elbow and lays her upon the ringpost. The Session Moth runs at her but Diamante raises her knee, clocking her in the face. Diamante kicks her back, hops on the ropes and gets her in the Code Red, pinning her for the win.

Match 3- Marina Tucker vs "Legit" Leyla Hirsch

Marina gets in Leyla's face and quickly gets treated like a punching bag. Leyla gets her against the ropes and starts head-ramming into her. She then grabs her and socks her hard across the back. Leyla grabs Marina and throws her in a suplex. She goes for the pin but Marina kicks out. Marina manages to knee Leyla in the midsection and then slam her down with a clothesline. She goes for the pin but Leyla kicks out.

Leyla gets her against the turnbuckle again and elbows her ruthlessly. She then trips her onto the mat where she hits her with a running double knee to the face. Leyla vaults herself up and hits her with both knees again as she comes down. Leyla goes for another pin but Marina kicks out at two. 

Leyla angrily shoves her opponent up against the ropes and wraps one of her arms around them. Marina is trapped as Leyla hits her with three vicious elbows before the ref break it up. Leyla whips her against the ropes, but Marina holds on to keep herself from bouncing back. As Leyla runs into her, she gets hit by an uppercut from Marina. Marina goes for a roll up attempt but Leyla shoves her off.

As Leyla runs at her, Marina tries to hit her with a high knee, but Leyla is able to catch her foot. She then shoves her foot hard enough to knock Marina down. Leyla knocks her down with a running knee to the face. Leyla grabs her in the armbar and Marina quickly taps out. Leyla adds another win to her list.

Match 4- Shalonce Royal vs Emi Sakura

Shalonce' goes for some high notes as she starts the match hitting Emi with elbows. Emi lets out her own scream and hits with her a harsh chop. Shalonce' goes for more elbows while still hitting high notes. Emi screams and knocks her down with a chop. Emi grabs her and toss her across the ring. She then grabs Royal in a surfboard hold while singing out Day O' and then tosses her off.

A whole of singing during this match

Emi tells Royal 'c'mon' and her opponent shoves her back. Royal hits her with more elbows and Emi once again knocks her back with a chop. Royal hits her again and Emi responds with another chop, but when she goes for a second, Royal ducks under and gets behind her. Emi turns to face her and Royal does a Sindel Scream in her face, knocking her back in surprise. 

Emi is dazed and covering her ears as she goes up against the turnbuckle. Royal runs at her with an elbow. Still singing, Royal grabs Emi and slams her down, going for a pin. Royal tries to grab Emi in some sort of hold but Emi reverses it and slams her down with a swinging neckbreaker. Emi starts stomping the mat to get the Freddie Mercury chants going. 

Emi hits Royal with the flying crossbody against the turnbuckle. Emi pulls Royal's legs out from under her and knocks her down. She climbs the ropes, lets out a high note of her and hits her with a Twisting Vader Bomb. Emi pins her down and wins the match. 

My Opinions-

Pretty entertaining tonight. Ruby's match was pretty good, and I especially loved the pose she did after doing the armdrag. I do like Ashley's stature and overall look. Can't wait to see her in more matches as she has the potential to be booked like a powerhouse.

Diamante's match was fun cause we knew she wasn't gonna put up with Session Moth's crap. Ruby is more joyful and played along until it got annoying but Diamante isn't here to play. Like she said when she had Martina in that hold, "you came to party, I came to beat your ass!"

That Leyla Hirsch match man. Marina Tucker is an excellent seller cause every move Leyla laid on her looked painful as hell. Leyla is short in stature but she knows how to bring on the pain. I'm glad to see Marina get some office in but Leyla was all about taking her out as soon and as painfully as possible. Coming after her loss to Thunder Rosa that would have landed her a title shot, it's time for her to go back to racking wins. 

The commentary had way too much with the Emi/Shalonce' match though. I don't know who had the worst notes, the ladies in the ring or the commentary. Seeing Emi get blasted back by Shalonce' scream-singing in her face was hilarious. A real life Sindel Scream. I do find it funny how lately Emi has been throwing in 'Day O' among her already established Freddie Mercury gimmick. She's slowly mixing it up. It was an overall fun and silly match and the commentary just couldn't stop laughing and singing along. It was fun.

Pretty good matches. Let's see what next week brings.


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