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Sonic Universe # 51- Worlds Collide Part 2

By Mark Rodriguez

Eggman and Dr. Wiley joined forces and used the Genesis Wave to wipe the realities of both their worlds and rewrite it as they see fit. Sonic and Megaman fight it out, each thinking the other is a bad guy. Tails is captured and turned into the Roboticized Master Tails Man. Protoman attempts to stop a jewel heist and runs into Tails Man but also Roboticized versions of Shadow, Knuckles and Amy Rose!

The story opens in Light's lab moments after the Genesis wave reset everything in both Megaman and Sonic's world. Rock comes in to see what Dr. Light is working on when suddenly Roll comes in and says Protoman is on the news and is seriously outnumbered. In downtown Mega City, Protoman is getting beat up by Knuckles Man and Rose Woman. Megaman arrives and grabs Protoman and warps him out of harm's way.

Protoman insists he's alright and tells Megaman that these new robots are unusually strong and are robbing the first national bank to grab a big gemstone (a Chaos Emerald). Megaman says Proto should sit back while he handles this and his brother warns him that the robot seem alien. Megaman drops down and fires some warning shots at them, telling them he won't hurt them if they surrender now. Shadow Man sends the Roboticized Masters after him.

Meanwhile Sonic is running around in the Green Hill Zone having a strange feeling of deja vu and wonders where all his friends are. Sonic went to Tails' house and couldn't find him, he searched Angel Island and didn't find Knuckles, he even searched Amy Rose's house and couldn't find her either. Sonic races across the planet to find the others while he asks the Chaotix to help him out.

As for the Chaotix, Charmy flies off to find ice cream. When Vector goes out to find him, he's suddenly missing. Espio senses something is wrong and is soon missing as well. As Vector searches for his friends, Copybot, Megaman's evil double, arrives behind him and blasts him down. He just found three more targets for Wiley and Eggman.

Megaman is having trouble against the Roboticized Masters. He fires off a charged up Mega Buster shot and it only stuns Knuckles Man. Just then a blue blur speeds by and knocks Megaman flat on his back. A Warp Ring appears and the robots escape inside it. Megaman tells Dr. Light that he's going in after them and finds himself in the Green Hill Zone.

Elsewhere, Silver runs into Sonic and tells him that something strange is going on in the space and time continuum. Sonic notices thing have been feeling off lately and thinks Eggman is up to something again. Just then, Silver gets blasted by Copybot. Copybot runs and Sonic chases after him. Copybot tells the scientists that he's got Sonic on his tail, and they tell Metal Sonic to lure Megaman to where Copybot is. The Roboticized Masters split up, though Tails Man is told to fly above and transmit what's going on, and Metal Sonic attacks Megaman. Copybot and Metal Sonic manage to avoid Sonic and Megaman's sights... and now the real Sonic runs right into the real Megaman and attacks him.

Sonic thinks he 'knocked the scarf off him', since Copybot looks exactly like Megaman wearing a scarf, and Megaman reads that Sonic is organic, but figures nothing alive can be THAT fast, so the hit must have screwed up his sensors. The two blue heroes start to fight it out, as Tails Man films this and shows it to Wiley and Eggman, who dance around in glee.

My Opinions:

Issue one started right off the bat with Sonic and Megaman fighting each other, leaving the reader wondering why. It mostly focused on how Wiley and Eggman met and started capturing Sonic's friends and turning them into the Roboticized Masters, a combination of Eggman's roboticization and Wiley's Robot Masters. This one finished connecting the dots and showed how we got to this point. I do have to say it's a clever way to take advantage of the fact that both Megaman and Sonic have evil doubles.

Not much to say about the issue, except I'm digging the storyline. Apparently Megaman is programmed to NOT harm living things and can only attack robots and Robot Masters. Making him think his sensors were damaged and that 'nothing alive can be THAT fast' is a good way to get around this and have them fight without it contradicting the game's storyline.

Though honestly within the limits of the games themselves, I doubt Megaman can do all that much against Sonic. He can literally run circles around him and well... 8-bit Megaman takes damage like a bitch. Look how fast the Robot Masters take him down in a few hits while it seems to take forever to waste them. On the other hand if Megaman has a Leaf Sheild (or any other variation of it) up, he might have a chance. After all in the classic games Sonic can take up to three hits without dying (one to take down whatever shield he's using, another and he loses all his rings, and the next one would kill him) but I think he takes damage like a normal character in the newer 3D games. It would be interesting but honestly a fight between videogame Sonic and Megaman won't last over a minute or so, and it could still go either way. Then again, both characters are assumed to have survived their videogame adventures without dying once, so I guess it give them both credit to their prowess.

I honestly thought Copy Robot was made up by Archie, but he was actually in the very first Megaman game. He looks exactly like Megaman, but in the remake Megaman Powered Up there is a similar character named Megaman? with a scarf. This story introduces the scarf on him, assuming Copy Robot and Megaman? are not just the same character.

I do have to say, I LOVE this panel of Rock transforming into Megaman.


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