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The AtariBox (Atari VCS) is still alive? And shipping soon?

By Mark Rodriguez

So about 2 years ago, some new guys bought the Atari license and announced that they were going to create a new console called the AtariBox. Honestly, I was quite curious about this because it was kinda cool to think of Atari making a comeback and I was into the idea of getting a new console that won't be one of the mainstream ones. Later on it was renamed the Atari VCS and they started an indiegogo to get support for it's release via crowdfunding.

Now I'm not an expert on gaming console specs and all that (yes, gaming journalism at its finest), but from what I understand, the AtariBox will be a purely streaming console, as in all the games will be downloadable without need of discs or carts. Besides that it will also come with 100 pre-installed Atari classics from the arcades and the Atari 2600. The console can use a modern version of the classic Atari joystick, or a more modern controller that also works on PC. New modern games will be available and Lunix-based Steam games will also be available to be played.

Holy crap, already sold out?! I have to say I love the design. Something about the bizzare contradiction of an Atari 2600 having the Atari logo light up as it connect to WiFi makes it hard to resist.
The console's exclusive version has a sleek design that looks like a modern version of the Atari 2600. The regular console is an onyx color, though I kinda wish the retro looking one was the more readily available one. I mean, on paper this sounds pretty good. A console that can play Centipede, Dig Dug and Steam games. I mean, put Street Fighter and some retro SNK games into the mix and make it cost around 200 bucks and sign me up.

However, all is not perfect as the console as it's been facing multiple delays due to updates and to this day no one has yet to see a fully functional prototype. The Indiegogo thing makes me wary due to so many other Indiegogos and kickstarters and whatever else that have tried and failed, and I don't think anyone ever sees their money back after the plan goes down. Possibly the biggest cause for concern is their announcement of Tempest 4000... which wouldn't be so bad if the guys behind Tempest didn't come out and say they didn't know anything about this. There is video footage of some guy playing Tempest 4000 on the console, and the guys behind it are saying they never produced a version of the game for this AtariBox.

The retro-themed controller and the more modern one. Both pretty slick looking, I have to admit.
So I was talking to my co-worker about classic consoles and Atari's name came up and I remembered the AtariBox was a thing. What made me write this article was the fact that I found out that it's supposed to be ready for shipping.... Spring of 2019... which is right now. So based on their website's order form, the console's shipping will start now and the pre-orders will arrive in the second quarter of 2019 and the product will available worldwide in mid-2019. Well.... next month is practically mid-2019 so I don't know what to think. On top of that... their website still has the Tempest 4000 footage despite it being debunked.

Part of me wants to believe, but I'm going to have to wait and see. You can check their website for more information which is pretty easy to find if you search for the Atari VCS. I won't include a link because if you decide to back this product, this decision is completely up to you. So far they have racked up $3,045,609 by 11561 backers and their retro-themed design has already been sold out. I'd much rather play it safe and wait and see until I see people actually get their orders and post their reviews online. One of my main concerns is I want to see what this console is actually capable of in terms of all new games, not just relying on pre-built Atari 2600 games and pre-existing Steam Games. We can talk specs all you want, but show me the games.

I might drop periodic updates here and there but that also depends on if there is anything new to report. This console has gone through months of silence at a time despite raking in some hefty cash from loyal backers. I really do hop this one pays through in the end. Make me believe, Atari.

Here is the normal console. Looks cool but I still would have preferred the retro design being the default look


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