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Batman/TMNT # 2

By Mark Rodriguez

The Turtles and the Foot are somehow trapped in Gotham City, and the Foot are trying to steal the equipment needed to find a way back. This brings the attention of Batman, who takes on the Foot and runs into the Shredder. The Turtles themselves have a brief run-in with Killer Croc and then go topside and find the Batmobile. As Don marvels over it, Mikey points out that the owner of the vehicle has just spotted them. What will happen when the Heroes in the Half Shell meet the Dark Knight?

The comic starts randomly with Mikey running into a pizzeria yelling that a guy dressed like a bat is trying to kill them. The people scream at the sight of the giant turtle, and Mikey tries to help himself to some pizza before Batman yanks him back into the battle with some rope. Leo says that Batman is fighting on a whole other level and they need to work together to overwhelm him. Batman says they're welcome to try.

Batman dodges the turtles attacks and Don accidentally smacks Leo in the face with his bo. Raph comes in saying this guy can't just put on some Halloween costume to shock them. Batman takes one of his sais says 'that's what the car is for' and the Batmobile fires a taser at him.

Mikey jumps in but Batman takes his nunchuck and kicks him back Don tries to attack but Batman uses the nunchuck to flip Donnie away. Leo leaps in with his swords and Batman manages to snap one in half with Raph's sai. Batman accuses the Turtles of being part of the recent robberies and Leo says they were trying to stop it. Splinter leaps in between Bats and Leo to break it up.

Splinter fights Batman, dodging and blocking his attacks and commending his skills in the martial arts. Splinter then vanishes in a puff of smoke saying they might meet again.

Later on Donnie tells the others that the guy is called Batman who seems to not be too liked by police but takes down dangerous bad guys 'like that clown guy'. Mikey considers him to be awesome. Raph is angry that Batman is now in their way and they have to stop the Foot from finding a way home without them, or they'll be trapped in Gotham forever. Mikey teases that he's probably upset since Batman stole his sai.

Raph asks Leo his thoughts, and Leo says it felt like Batman was testing them out, and not using lethal blows. He was fighting like a detective. Mikey is making a chart full of pros and cons regarding Batman's awesomeness. Leo wonders where Splinter is.

Bruce Wayne and Luscious Fox study Raph's sai and determine it's from another world. The strange thing is, the sai is made of common steel, but the steel of that world, and is slowly transmuting into the steel of this world. The blood stain on it also contained some kind of mutagen that doesn't exist in this world, and without it, whatever was mutated by it might eventually turn back into its original state.

Fox determines that the scientist that was kidnapped was working on a dimensional portal and with the things stolen in the recent robberies, they could be used to build such a thing. The only piece missing is the Resonance Engine that Wayne had removed from his R&D department.

After Fox leaves, Bruce asks Alfred if he heard the conversation. As Bruce dresses as Batman, he knows of a stolen Resonance Engine on the black market that will be headed into Gotham soon. He wants the sewers scanned for the turtles, who might not be mutant turtles for long. As he leaves, Splinter sneaks into the Batcave and studies the information on the Mutagen becoming inert.

The Shredder made a deal with the Penguin to get the Resonance Engine. Shredder wasn't going to pay them though and he sends the Foot to kill Penguin's thugs. Penguin says Shredder needs him since he knows the city inside and out and he will need his help to get the power needed to run the machines. Shredder decides he's worth keeping around. One of the Foot Ninja mention that they haven't seen the Turtles or Splinter, and Shredder says it doesn't matter. Just leaving them behind will kill them.

The Turtles follow Splinter as they burrow underground, surprised to find out that they'll eventually turn back into normal turtles if they stay in this world too long. Splinter says they're going to need help. As the Turtles wonder who will help them, we see that Splinter has led them to the Batcave. Mikey wants to play with the giant dinosaur statue.

My Opinions

Wow. I'll just get to this point. I've seen lots of crossovers and whatnot before, like the recent TMNT/Ghostbusters crossover, but this is the first one that went with this scientific approach. The idea that everything, even simple things like steel and whatnot are different to a molecular level between dimensions is kinda fascinating. To think that TMNT steel isn't the same as DC comics steel and that it's slowly turning into the equivalent of DC comics steel is an interesting theory. And then, Mutagen, which doesn't exist in DC comics, would just cease to be and the Turtles are screwed.

That is so weird when you think about it. Does that mean that if Wolverine was stuck in the DC universe, his adamantium would stop being unbreakable because such a metal does not exist? Will the Green Lantern rings eventually stop working in the Marvel Universe? Would Spawn lose all his powers because the hell from his world is not the exact same hell in Marvel or DC? Such questions. I mean, not even the Ghostbusters crossover dealt with all of this.

So yeah, basically the Turtles now have an even bigger reason to hurry home. They run the risk of becoming common house pets if they stay in Gotham too long.

The comic started in the middle of the fight between Batman and the Turtles, but luckily we still got to see some of it and not cut away to something else. I know Batman is awesome and everything, but I'm glad he didn't take down Splinter as if he were nothing.

IDW stated these Turtles aren't particularly based on the IDW Turtles, but Raph did still mention being worried about 'Krang taking over the world while the Turtles and Shredder were gone'. Raph also being angry that he lost a sai could be a reference to the 90's TMNT movie where April got one of his sais. Dude just can't stop losing his weapon.

Oh and hey... the AVGN and his buddy Mike Matei had a random cameo in the first page. In a way it kinda makes sense since one of  AVGN's early reviews that helped make him super popular on Youtube back in the Angry Nintendo Nerd days was his infamous review for the first NES TMNT game.

 LOL The Nerd even tweeted to Mike about it. This was just classic, IDW.


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