Written by Ninja Jupi
Helen of Wyndhorn #3
Skipping the stuff in the present, I’m more interested in talking about the past events. Helen and her grandfather were gone for an entire month. Helen barged into Lilith’s room going on about her adventure, but wasn’t making much sense. I thought she was inebriated again, but she seemed to actually be sober. lol Helen mentioned her mother in an unflattering manner who died after giving birth to her.
In all honesty, this issue is just difficult to describe since it has to be read in order to be believed. It’s like a mystical world they entered into. They had to gain entrance through some haggard-looking creature. Barnabas told Helen to shield her eyes befor. e entering since she had been walking through the “Shadow of Leaves”. After entering, they went to a hotel.
The hotel seemed really nice and cozy, but prior to reaching it, which took hours on foot, Helen explains how she didn’t understand any of what was going on. She did quench her thirst though. While at the inn, she is questioning her grandfather, trying to make sense of where they were. It’s like they were in reality, yet not. It made me think of the book, A Wrinkle in Time.
Anyway, before her grandfather could give a straightforward answer, Helen was nearly out and blackout drunk. The alcohol consumed wasn’t quite “wine” nor was it “beer”. I’m not going to lie, though; with the way Helen described it flavor wise, being sweet and such, I wouldn’t mind a taste. I just wouldn’t want the “powerful” side effect. lol When she awoke, confused at what she was currently seeing, Barnabas was a bit bloodied, his clothing tattered, and those lying around them, possibly injured or dead. He also talked about the king of the area, referring to him as “filth”.
While on this journey it seemed that Barnabas had quite a few enemies or always had people after him. He revealed that he didn’t fear anything. During the journey, Helen was nearly attacked while gathering water but she fought back, noting that usually her instinct in such a situation was to run. Barnabas saw the encounter but didn’t help as he figured she’d do fine by herself.
As they continued, they met this woman. Very godlike and mystical. I won’t get into it, but there is a reveal about Helen here. After leaving the woman, Barnabas looked tired.
So I just don’t know what to think of this issue. I liked the lore and it just makes me more curious as to how this world in which they were traversing can exist. It feels like it was a part of the world Helen’s father scripted in his stories. Well, let’s see what happens next in the upcoming issue.
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