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NWA Powerrr Season 8 Episodes 6 and 7 (Women's Matches)

 By Mark Rodriguez

Let's check out some of these NWA Women's Matches. It looks like some familiar faces are hopping into the ring in these 2 episodes, namely Kilynn King and Mickie James. Let's check it out.

Kenzie Paige VS Mickie James- S8 Ep 6- May 3, 2022

The Main Event of Episode 6 begins with both women locking up until Mickie James gets Kenzie in an arm lock. Kenzie rolls across the mat and reverses it, now getting control of Mickie's arm. Mickie fights through it and does a reversal, getting Kenzie in a chickenwing hold. Kenzie grabs Mickie and tosses her over her shoulder, but she is still not letting go of the hold.

Still holding her arm behind her back, Mickie slams her knees into Kenzie. Mickie grabs Kenzie's other arm and goes for a pin, but her opponent kicks out. Mickie grabs her in a headlock take down, but Kenzie reverses it into a pin. Hardcore Country Mickie James kicks out of it. Mickie keeps Kenzie in the headlock as both women get up. Kenzie finally socks Mickie in the midsection and flings her across the ring. Mickie bounces off the ropes and knocks her down with a shoulder tackle.

Mickie goes for a dropkick but misses and Kenzie goes for the pin. Mickie gets out of it and Kenzie knees her in the face. Kenzie socks her in the face and whips her towards the ropes. Mickie leaps over Kenzie and gets her in a sunset flip pin, but can't her down. Mickie goes for a jack knife cover but Kenzie kicks out again. 

Kenzie grabs her arm, trying to get her in some type of hold but Mickie is quick to grab onto the ropes to break it. Kenzie pulls Mickie away from the ropes, but Hardcore Country does a cartwheel and tosses her to the met, attempting another pin. Kenzie breaks the pin.

As both women get up, Kenzie socks her in the face and Mickie returns the favor, knocking her to the mat. As Kenzie sits up, Mickie kicks her in the face and attempts another pin. Her opponent still kicks out at two. Mickie tries to pick her up for a slam but Kenzie pulls her down. Both women roll across the ring, seeing who will get to pin who, and Kenzie barely manages to get out of Mickie's pin attempt. 

Kenzie goes for a superkick but Mickie grabs her leg and knocks her down, getting her into a Half Boston Crab. Kenzie reaches for the ropes but Mickie pulls her away and gets her in a Full Boston Crab this time. Kenzie manages to fight it out and get to the rope break. As she gets back to her feet she manages to clock Mickie with a superkick and knocks her out. She goes for the pin but Mickie manages to kick out.

With frustration kicking in, Kenzie angrily stomps on Mickie. She flings her towards the ropes where Mickie crashes against the turnbuckle and drops to her knees. Kenzie grabs and slams Mickie into a vertical suplex and goes for the pin but he can't keep her down. Kenzie grabs Mickie in a chickenwing choke hold as she drives her knee into her back. 

Mickie gets up and shoulder tosses Kenzie off her. As she runs towards her, Kenzie gets out of the way and back elbows her in the face. As Kenzie runs towards her, Mickie hits her with the back elbow this time and then sends her to the mat with a headscissors. Mickie gets pumped and knocks down Kenzie several times, before she grabs her and slams her with the swinging neckbreaker. Despite this, Kenzie manages to kicks out of another pin attempt.

Mickie grabs Kenzie, hoping to finish it, but her opponent clocks her with a roundhouse kick to the side of the head. As Mickie drops to her knees, Kenzie tries for another pin, which the cowgirl barely escapes. As Kenzie tries to get her into a full nelson, Mickie drops and tries for another pin. Both women get back up and run at each other. Mickie grabs her and drops her on her face as she flips back up to her feet.

Mickie takes the ropes, knocking Kenzie down while she was still trying to recover. Mickie goes for a kick which Kenzie ducks under and counters with a clothesline. Kenzie goes for a cover and the cowgirl barely escapes that one again. As she runs towards Mickie, the cowgirl nails her with a kick and then drops her with the Mickie DDT. Kenzie is out like a light and Mickie gets the pin and the win. Mickie James makes sure that Kenzie is alright before she steps out of the ring. 

Paola Blaze VS Kamille- S8 Ep 7- May 10, 2022

The match opens with Paola entering the ring, no longer working with her former tag team partner Jennacide. As soon both women are in the ring and bell rings, Paola gets out and walks around, saying she's not ready and messing with the crowd. Once she gets back in the ring, she taunts and dodges Kamille's attempt to grapple her. Kamille is done playing around and tackles Paola into the ringpost, ramming into her with multiple headbutts. 

Kamille picks up Paola effortlessly and rams her back into one of the turnbuckles, followed by a slam to the mat. She goes for the pin but Paola kicks out. Kamille picks her up and nails her with an uppercut, sending her to the ropes. The champ presses Paola's neck against the ropes with her boot until the ref breaks it up. 

Kamille grabs her and throws her in a backwards slam. She then grabs her in a headlock submission hold. Paola fights back to her feet and hits Kamille with some back elbows to break free from her grasp. Paola goes for the ropes but Kamille knocks her down with a spinning heel kick and goes for the pin. Paola manages to kick out. 

The Brickhouse picks up Paola and slams her back down onto her knee. Kamille than grabs her from behind, ties her arms in the ropes and starts beating Paola's chest. As Kamille grabs her, Paola lets loose with some shots to the midsection but the champs beats her down to the mat. The champ grabs her for another uppercut and sends her to the turnbuckle. As Kamille dashes towards her, Paola gets out of the way, letting the champ crash into the ringpost. Paola runs towards her now but Kamille leaps over her and now Paola is the one bumping into the ringpost, hurting her mouth.

Kamille is now nursing an injured knee, having difficulty standing up as the ref checks on her. Medical staff is called to look at her and Thom Latimer comes to check on her. Just then Paola surprising kicks Thom in the jewels. While the ref is now checking on Thom, Paola runs over and starts stomping on Kamille's injured leg.

She kicked him so hard, not only did he go airborne, one of his shoes fell off

Paola keeps targeting the knee as Kamille can't stay on her feet and falls back down. Paola tries to go for a leglock but the champs punches her away. As Kamille hobbles on her feet, Paola trips her back down. Paola picks her up for a slam but Kamille reverses it and does a Samoan Drop on her. Unfortunately, she is too injured to go for a pin and Paola is able to recover. With both women back to their feet, Kamille swings Paola's arm and makes her drop face-first onto the mat. Kamille swings her face first into the turnbuckle and then slams her with a Swinging Neckbreaker. She goes for the pin but her opponent still kicks out.

Kamille tries to pick Paola up again but her opponent reverses it into a headscissors, sending her to the mat. Paola then goes for the ropes and knocks down the limping Kamille with a dropkick. Thom returns, now with a bag of ice on his goods as the ref tells him to leave. As they argue, Kamille does a backwards kick that nails Paola between the legs as well. As Paola struggles to get back up, Kamille tackles her down with a spear. Kamille gets ready and knocks her down with a second spear, this time going for the pin and winning the match.

Jennacide VS Kilynn King VS Chelsea Green- S8 Episode 7- May 10, 2022

Chelsea starts swinging over at Jennacide and Kilynn, both women ducking under her fist. Chelsea leaps at Kilynn, but the redhead catches her and slams her back against the turnbuckle. Jennacide does a bodysplash onto Chelsea and Kilynn grabs her for a quick roll up. Jennacide kicks out and Kilynn hits her with a kick to the face. Kilynn then grabs Chelsea and suplex slams her onto Jennacide. Kilynn goes to pin Jennacide who kicks out at one, and she tells the ref to count faster.

With Jennacide and Kilynn back at their feet, Jennacide socks the redhead in the face. Kilynn returns the favor. Both women exchange blows until Jennacide kicks Kilynn up against the ropes, which happens to bumps Chelsea off, making her hit the floor. Jennacide runs into her but Kilynn hits her with a back elbow. Kilynn doess a swinging kick but Jennacide ducks under it and trips her down. 

Jennacide runs across the ring and kicks Kilynn across the face. Chelsea gets back in the ring and quickly goes to pin Kilynn, but Jennacide kicks her off. Now focusing on Chelsea Green, Jennacide goes to grab her and flings her across the ring. With Kilynn up against the turnbuckle, Jennacide takes this chance to hit her with some blows and a running kick to the face. After taking this punishment, Kilynn pretty much drops to the mat and Jennacide goes for the pin, but her opponent still kicks out.

Chelsea climbs the ropes, but Jennacide whips Kilynn into the turnbuckle, making her stumble. Chelsea falls off the ringpost as Kilynn and Jennacide try to hit each other. With Jennacide standing over the ropes, Chelsea hits her with a rising knee to the face, making her drop off the mat and onto the floor. Kilynn stands as the only woman standing in the match so far.

Kilynn runs for the ropes but gets hit by a surprise elbow to the face by Chelsea. Chelsea wastes a lot of time posing for the crowd and gets ready to jump off the ropes and knock Kilynn and Jennacide down. However, both women catch her and set her onto the apron. Kilynn socks Chelsea in the face and Jennacide follows with a kick to the face as well. Both women prevent each other from getting into the ring to pin Chelsea first. Kilynn kicks Jennacide off her, making her fall on the floor. As the redhead climbs into the ring, the Hot Mess pulls on the rope, making it snap on her leg. 

Chelsea goes for the pin, and when Kilynn kicks out, she angrily starts to throw fists at her. She goes for a second pin, but she can't keep her down, so Chelsea yells at the ref. 

Don't piss off the Hot Mess, or she will Mess you up

Chelsea picks up Kilynn and socks her again, making her fall towards the ropes. Chelsea grabs her by the hair and slams her face into the top turnbuckle. With Kilynn dazed and on her knees, Chelsea grabs her hair and slams her face into the middle turnbuckle. Chelsea grabs both of her arms and curb stomps her face into the bottom turnbuckle. Chelsea then goes for the pin but Kilynn still kicks out. 

Chelsea stomps Kilynn down and gets her in the Camel Clutch. Before she can 'make her humble', Jennacide returns and gets Chelsea in a Sleeper Hold while she's still holding onto Kilynn. Chelsea is out, dropping Kilynn to the mat. Jennacide picks up Chelsea for a Firewoman's Carry and Kilynn Sparta Kicks both women down. All three women are now down. 

Kilynn and Jennacide are the first two up. Kilynn ducks a kick from Jennacide and grabs her in a Cutter. Chelsea then grabs Kilynn and hits her with a necksnap. As Chelsea brags, Jennacide picks her up and slams her with the TKO. Kilynn steps up to Jennacide, but gets picked up and slammed. Jennacide goes for the pin but Chelsea stomps on her. Chelsea grabs Kilynn but she reverses her attempt and slams her down with the Excali-Buster. Kilynn pins Chelsea Green and wins the match. She is now the top contender to face Kamille for the NWA Women's Title!

My thoughts-

One thing that drew me into NWA is all the familiar faces here and there, and even some that I've seen on AEW Dark like Kilynn King. Like it feels you just don't know who's gonna show up. Even WWE veterans like Melina and Mickie James.

Speaking of Mickie James, she still got it. Love the Hardcore Country gimmick. That was a pretty good match with her and Kenzie put up a hell of a fight. 

Kamille also had a challenge, mostly due to all the damage caused to her knee. I was very surprised with how she won. Maybe it's more common in the indies or smaller promotions but I don't remember ever seen a woman take a low blow. I also thought Paola was gonna be another joke character when she started with the 'I'm not ready yet' thing, but once the match started proper, she put out all the stops.

The bigger implications though is the questions of will Kamille be in good shape to face the next challenger for the title? Paola did a good job of softening her up for Kilynn King.

Speaking of Kilynn, she was amazing. Even though this was a triple threat, this felt more like it was her match. Almost a handicap match of her having to deal with both Chelsea and Jennacide herself. I mean, Kilynn was always in the center of the action, there wasn't really too much of Chelsea fighting with Jennacide for a while. In fact there were spots where either Chelsea or Jennacide where knocked out of the ring so Kilynn could handle the other one. It was a fun match, don't get me wrong, I just noticed after watching it that Chelsea and Jennacide barely clashed or there wasn't a moment where Kilynn was temporarily out of the ring or anything. I loved the Camel Clutch/Sleeper Hold spot though, as well as the Sparta Kick, knocking Jennacide down while she was still carrying Chelsea.

Good matches all around. I might keep tuning into more NWA Powerrr. 


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