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Showing posts from February, 2025

Batman Dark Patterns # 3

By Mark Rodriguez Batman has found and taken down the Wound Man, a man that tortures people to death because he can't feel pain himself. Now Batman is after the people that created him, and possibly others similar to like him. His  investigation takes him to the town of Green Fields. What will happen now? We flashback to the Wound Man torturing Francis Oakley, as the lawyer is tied to a chair with spikes impaling all over his body. Francis begs him to stop since he's in horrible pain. The Wound man asks him to describe it since he can barely remember what pain feels like thanks to him. Francis says he's just the lawyer. The Wound Man says he had the cease and desists and gag orders that contained what was done to him. He says Francis let this happen to him.  Francis says every file in his cabinet is full of human misery and misfortune. He says it's not his fault and he doesn't deserve this. The Wound Man says he will help them too. He then prepares to stick a sharp ...

Comic Book Stash 2/24/2025

By Mark Rodriguez This time I went to Third Eye Comics on a Monday before the comics in the pull box piled up too high. I found out that Street Fighter Prime was already out, so we went to Stories for that one. I also won the bid for two classic Spider-Man comics over at Hipcomic. Let's check out what I got this time around.   Eddie Brock Carnage # 1 It seems that while Brock's son is Venom, now Brock has the Carnage Symbiote. Can he still be a hero while keeping Carnage's murderous impulses at bay? Aliens VS Avengers # 3 Back after some monthly delays. I'll eventually get to this one . All New Venom # 3 Eddie Brock's son continues his adventures as the new Venom Street Fighter Prime # 0  The new series begins as the Street Fighters face all new villains. I saw some alternate covers and it seems one of the new bad guys is that lumberjack lady we saw in the Blanka Masters comic a few years earlier.   Street Fighter Prime # 0 Review Batman Dark Patterns # 3 The epic ...

TMNT Saturday Morning Adventures Continued # 21

By Mark Rodriguez The 80's TMNT always did thing differently when compared to the Mirage comics that inspired them. Characters and concepts like Bebop, Rocksteady and the Technodrome were made up from the cartoon, as well as things like April being a news reporter and Splinter being Hamato Yoshi himself rather than his pet rat. One of the things we've seen in several incarnations of the series is how Raph and Casey would partner up. 80's Casey is more of a nutball and guest character, so he never teamed with Raphael in the cartoon. Now finally we get a Raphael and Casey team up story in the 80's TMNT universe.   "Crime Spree" opens with the turtles complaining as Splinter wants to take them out to meditate. Michaelangelo asks why Raphael gets out of this, and Raph replies that he rules at rock, paper and scissors. Splinter says the city can live without the turtles for one night. Raphael will be joining them when he returns with dinner. Raphael, wearing his t...

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles VS Street Fighter # 5

 By Mark Rodriguez The Turtles entered a Street Fighter tournament, not knowing that it was being held by Bison and Baxter. The villains have been kidnapping fighters, including Raphael and Chun Li to drain their 'Psycho Power' to fuel the Psycho Bomb. Donatello discovered that Bison plans to drop the bomb in Manhattan rather than some empty desert. Meanwhile, the Shredder has been released and he has gone completely insane. How will this crossover conclude?    The issue opens with all of the Shadaloo soldiers and captured fighters (including Pigeon Pete and Rufus) running out of the bottling plant as Bison declares that everything is over. Bison tells Balrog by radio that the bomb will soon destroy Manhattan. He calls for a helicopter so he can escape and start the mass production of more Psycho Bombs. Bison tells Balrog that he is not hiding on the roof. There is a lot of chaos going on below and Bison just can't be bothered. Donatello panics and looks over the smashed ...

NickToons TMNT Episode 27- The Mutation Situation

 By Mark Rodriguez So I already reviewed episodes 25 and 26 that were aired as an hour as a 'Booyaka Showdown' season finale. Here is the link for that one before we jump into our thoughts of episode 26.  NickToons TMNT Eps 25 and 26 Review   Originally written on Saturday, October 12, 2013. Keep in mind, these were our thoughts as they were back in 2013 when the show was new and was written shortly after seeing the episodes after their initial broadcast. At the time we had zero way of knowing what to expect. The Turtles return for a second season of more wild wacky fun and adventure. Unlike the season opener Rise of the Turtles, this was actually a one-part episode, but even so it felt like so much happens in this one. Let's check it out.   The season opens with the Turtles skateboarding across the nightly skies, patting themselves on the back over their victory at the end of 'Showdown'. Mikey brags about stopping a cheese monster, that never really happened, but t...

The Spectacular Spider-Men # 10

 By Mark Rodriguez After the events dealing with the simulated reality of The Arcadium, Peter, Miles and the rest of their friends and associated at the Coffee Bean have been meeting up for therapy. One of them, Juliet Marcos was in love with someone she admired from afar who didn't even know she existed named Anna Romney. Upon seeing her face to face, Juliet discovered that she can change in several different forms depending on her emotions. Hydro Man helped her with her water form and The Human Torch helped her with her fire form. Peter wonders what Juliet would call herself if she decides to become a superhero. What will happen next? "Strange Love- Chapter 3- Elementary, My Dear Spider-Men" opens on the current Wednesday as both Spider-Men (Peter and Miles) are being chased by both Electros (Max and Francine) throughout the city. Francine asks why both Spider-Men are in the same area, and Max asks if they're attached at the hip. Peter and Miles both say 'only ...