By Mark Rodriguez Batman has found and taken down the Wound Man, a man that tortures people to death because he can't feel pain himself. Now Batman is after the people that created him, and possibly others similar to like him. His investigation takes him to the town of Green Fields. What will happen now? We flashback to the Wound Man torturing Francis Oakley, as the lawyer is tied to a chair with spikes impaling all over his body. Francis begs him to stop since he's in horrible pain. The Wound man asks him to describe it since he can barely remember what pain feels like thanks to him. Francis says he's just the lawyer. The Wound Man says he had the cease and desists and gag orders that contained what was done to him. He says Francis let this happen to him. Francis says every file in his cabinet is full of human misery and misfortune. He says it's not his fault and he doesn't deserve this. The Wound Man says he will help them too. He then prepares to stick a sharp ...
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