By Mark Rodriguez After the events dealing with the simulated reality of The Arcadium, Peter, Miles and the rest of their friends and associated at the Coffee Bean have been meeting up for therapy. One of them, Juliet Marcos was in love with someone she admired from afar who didn't even know she existed. When the woman, Anna Romney, just so happened to visit the Coffee Bean, Juliet introduced herself to her. When Anna didn't recognize Juliet.... Juliet suddenly turned into vapor... and then into water! Elsewhere, the female Electro was recently defeated by Spider-Man and Silk. Upon seeing this televised, the original Electro wants to teach her a lesson for 'cheapening his brand'. What will happen now? "Strange Love Part 2 Gone Girl" opens with both Spider-Men swinging towards the Coffee Bean. Miles asks Peter if he has any idea on what to do about this, and Peter has none. Peter says it will be strange to walk into the cafe in full costume and Miles said ...
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