By Mark Rodriguez This time around, I got a bunch of new comics at Third Eye Comics, but also several classic comics that I won at an auction from Mark's Comics through Hipcomic. Since all the comics were from the same store, I only had to pay once for shipping, which was a real lucky break! Let's see how many more comics I need to catch up on. Black Canary: Best of the Best # 4 The match against Lady Shiva continues. This one seems to be the last issue in the series. Two-Face # 4 Harvey Dent and Two-Face continue to fight against each other for control. Only one personality can take control! Spectacular Spider-Men # 13- If fighting the two Electros isn't enough, now the Lizard is getting involved!! Batgirl # 5 Cassandra Cain's adventures continue ... and eventually I'll get into this series and drop some reviews. Thundercats # 13 I'll have to catch up in this one. It looks like there will be a side-series called Thundercats Lost coming out soon as well. ...
Mark's Epic Blog of Randomness!! Reviews on random geeky stuff like comics, wrestling and whatever else comes to mind!