By Mark Rodriguez In this anthology series, the Turtles have different adventures taking place within different iterations of the franchise. The gimmick here is that the stories are drawn in black and white, and also green. Let's check out what awaits us in this issue. "Buddycount" opens with Casey Jones knocking a punk out the window of a pet shop. There has been a string of robberies lately where people have been taking all the snakes out of pet shops. Casey asks the guy why the 'Viper Boys' have been stealing snakes. The guy only knows that Bobby Viper told them to round up all the snakes. Casey drops the guy on the ground and gets a call on his flip-phone. He tells the caller that he's wrapping something up and asks if he wants to come along. Casey asks the guy to tell him where he can find Bobby Viper before he stops taking it easy on him. Later on, Casey stakes out the Viper's Nest, the hideout of the Viper Boys. He sees the men bringing in boxes ...
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