By Mark Rodriguez Danger Girl is another one of those series from the late 90's/early 2000's that I only heard about from Wizard magazine, similar to Witchblade, Gen 13 and the Tomb Raider comics. I finally got my hands on the first issue, so let's see what adventures these super spies get themselves into. "Dangerously Yours" opens with a 'previously on Danger Girl' that explains that Abbey Chase snuck into the Costa Rican lair of known criminal Donavin Conrad to steal the Golden Skull of Koo Koo Diego. Donavin managed to capture her and get the skull first and Abbey used an explosion as a distraction to escape and continue to pursue him. The Danger Girls are on the way to get her. Abbey stole a jeep and in trying to escape her captors she ended up driving off a cliff. Elsewhere in the Bahamas, a man is relaxing an talking through a modified coconut phone as he hears of an explosion in the area that the Danger Girls were in. The man assures him that the...
By Mark Rodriguez This time around, I got a bunch of new comics at Third Eye Comics, but also several classic comics that I won at an auction from Mark's Comics through Hipcomic. Since all the comics were from the same store, I only had to pay once for shipping, which was a real lucky break! Let's see how many more comics I need to catch up on. Black Canary: Best of the Best # 4 The match against Lady Shiva continues. This one seems to be the last issue in the series. Two-Face # 4 Harvey Dent and Two-Face continue to fight against each other for control. Only one personality can take control! Spectacular Spider-Men # 13- If fighting the two Electros isn't enough, now the Lizard is getting involved!! Batgirl # 5 Cassandra Cain's adventures continue ... and eventually I'll get into this series and drop some reviews. Thundercats # 13 I'll have to catch up in this one. It looks like there will be a side-series called Thundercats Lost coming out soon as well. ...